TF2 has changed...


New Member
After being away from the game for awhile and hopping back into it, I must say that I'm really not a big fan anymore. What I appreciated the most about the game when I first started playing TF2 was that it was a very straightforward, slightly comical first-person-shooter. To me, the ridiculous amount of new items and weapons and stuff has changed the game into something different. I thought I could get back into it, but you probably won't see me on TF2 much anymore.

I hope this doesn't deter anyone else from enjoying the game, I just felt like expressing my opinion. Later guys!
Most of the ToJ members who'd dropped TF2 did so for the same reason. But for every member that's dropped the game, one or two new members join us.

I understand your point and agree, but not to the extent of dropping one of the very few multiplayer first-person shooters I still enjoy. Still, I wish Valve would cool it with the new items already.
I agree Valve needs to be more selective in it's additions. To many are making learning curve and to a smaller extent balance issues. They actually need to keep having more updates but ones of value like new game modes and stop throwing stuff in.

It's not as bad as it looks though most of the stuff you see are hats which are only visual. Also you logged in during the Halloween update. I suspect the Halloween costumes are among the most outrageous things you saw and they are probably going to be limited to use around Halloween (event ends the 6th). Still I can respect if you leave as TF2 has certainly changed from what it was. Don't be a stranger though we have other game chapters! :)
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Not to worry, my friend. I will definitely be around. I'm having a lot of fun with League of Legends and just got City of Heroes downloaded. Of course, the pc may be getting set aside for a bit when MW3 comes out next week, lol! Xbox360 here I come!!!
For newcomers to the game the items are a bit daunting. I bought the game a couple weeks before it became free (LOL) and I still don't have strange anything. But I don't trade or construct much either.
For newcomers to the game the items are a bit daunting.

I know I've been meaning to write an "item guide for newbies" so they know which items to go for >.< . I've just got too many projects already.

I bought the game a couple weeks before it became free (LOL) and I still don't have strange anything. But I don't trade or construct much either.

Strange is way overrated and overpriced if you payed any real money for keys. You don't need them for anything and I only have my two because Bird of Pray is our resident trader. If you want something go to him.
The item store has a feature that lets you try out weapons and other items for free to see if you like them.

Bird of Pray is the resident trader but I also do some trading during my week of nights at work. If you want anything let me or him know. I recently gave Ewoksrule a large number of doubles I had just asking him to give me back anything he didn't want.

I must point out my Tek7 rule however. Any weapon I give you must never be used to kill me with.

Stranges are nice if you plan on using a weapon regularly for a long time and you have a thing for stats. Otherwise it's just an overpriced regular weapon.
I never did care much for that rule.

/me swings Postal Pummeler

Meh. Ewoksrule killed me repeatedly with a Cow Manlger 5000 I gave him in violation of the rule as well. At least he didn't yell "You've Got Mail!" or "Zappity Zap! Don't come back!" every time he killed me.

But again, Both BirdofPray and I have all the regular weapons. If you need anything let one of us know. If your new or have been away for a while I have no problem giving you whatever you want if it makes the game more fun for you. I can't speak for him but I'm sure BirdofPray feels the same way.

For special requests, see BirdofPray. I trade heavily about 1 week a month and lightly the rest of the time but he does it all the time. I'd love to buy your stuff or sell you something but BirdofPray was here first, has better contacts and inventory and I certainly don't want to step on any toes or steal his business.
The only way I've come to know which weapons are desired is by looking at the ones that kill me most. So the cow mangler is fun, it's the only one I actually constructed and it was easy doing that. Right now I'm trying to decide which rocket launcher I like. If I could aim at all I'd probably use the direct hit, for right now I'm using the black box because it gives me all 4 missiles. For the scout and trying to decide between the Force of Nature and the Soda Popper (pushback vs. crits).
I'm trying to decide which rocket launcher I like. If I could aim at all I'd probably use the direct hit, for right now I'm using the black box because it gives me all 4 missiles.
Liberty Launcher + automatic reload (in Advanced Settings) = awesomesauce.
The only way I've come to know which weapons are desired is by looking at the ones that kill me most. So the cow mangler is fun, it's the only one I actually constructed and it was easy doing that. Right now I'm trying to decide which rocket launcher I like. If I could aim at all I'd probably use the direct hit, for right now I'm using the black box because it gives me all 4 missiles. For the scout and trying to decide between the Force of Nature and the Soda Popper (pushback vs. crits).

If you are using 4 missiles you aren't using the Black Box as it's a 3 rocket one. The Black Box is the best overall Soldier rocket launcher. This is due to the fact you won't always have a medic. Even if you do have a medic it still adds to your hp recovery. It's true the lack of a 4th rocket and rocket speed makes you play more defensively but if you can control the terms of engagement you will generally come out on top. All the other Rocket Launchers while good are comparatively more situational. I switch to the Direct Hit when I need to take down a sentry but due to the reduced splash damage it's definitely not simply a case of "if you can aim it you should use it". You'll lose kills by not being able to hit larger groups or use splash damage to damage around corners. I do like popping scouts with it though, very satisfying but hard to do. The Liberty Launcher and Regular are decent weapons but you will feel the lack of hp renewal once you've been using the Black Box for a while. If you have a dedicated medic they become more attractive.

Few free to ask for any regular weapons Glanzer. I keep extras on hand to specifically give to new Toj to get them up to speed. They are free if you have none and are asking for them to use not trade.

Man I forgot about that Cow mangler! I need to play some more TF2, so many distractions!

/Suggests you join us on a Tuesday before the 20th release date of SWTOR and disappear to learn the force for the next 6 months :p .
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Like I said and like Gerbil said. We have free weapons for anyone to use or try out as long as you need them, will return them if you don't like them and won't sell/craft them.

The more you enjoy the game, the more we all benefit so it's no problem for me to give out free stuff.
After being away from the game for awhile and hopping back into it, I must say that I'm really not a big fan anymore. What I appreciated the most about the game when I first started playing TF2 was that it was a very straightforward, slightly comical first-person-shooter. To me, the ridiculous amount of new items and weapons and stuff has changed the game into something different.
I do get where you are coming from. The amount of items is overkill (I think I have pretty much every weapon item for every class), but I just turn them into scraps and reclaimed.

I never really considered TF2 as a straight forward shooter, simply because there is no main game mode where simply killing eachother or having the most kills is the objective. You do try to kill eachother, but to accomplish a objective (stop the the opposing team from advancing, to cap a point, to defend the intel, etc.).

Never just to get the most kills. Yeah, I am one of those crazy players who recklessly, with disregard of their own life, try to stop or push the cart :p When I just felt like shoot to kill, I played Killing Floor.

Still, I do like TF2 more than the average FPS. I like the style (bright, cartoony, comical), that all classes have a different game play and the versality in maps and game modes.

There are also some mods which can be fun once in a while (Balloon race, Wacky races, Prop hunt, dodgeball, Saxton Hale, zombie mode, etc.). So it keeps things a bit more fresh. But even I get tired of TF2 at times. But that is in part because I play the same servers, who often use the same maps.

Maybe we can try prophunt or zombie mod one night instead of the normal maps. Or maybe we could do a different night and do the mods.
I switch to the Direct Hit when I need to take down a sentry
I find the Loch'NLoad (demoman) to be a more effective sentry killer. Two hits and the sentry goes down (if it is not being repaired), plus if the engineer is next to it he often gets a free ride back to spawn himself from the splash damage.

Of course, I am finding I enjoy using the Loch'NLoad for just about everything. If I could just figure out how to swing it like a club. . .
I find the Loch'NLoad (demoman) to be a more effective sentry killer. Two hits and the sentry goes down (if it is not being repaired), plus if the engineer is next to it he often gets a free ride back to spawn himself from the splash damage.

Of course, I am finding I enjoy using the Loch'NLoad for just about everything. If I could just figure out how to swing it like a club. . .

Yes the Demo is a much better SG killer overall I was only listing Soldier rocket launchers and their uses. To compare Demo grenades can travel from just outside an sgs range in a high arch, or farther if it's the stock grenades which you can roll on the ground. Of course you can also do the angle thing if you've got cover to shoot over. 90% of the time Demo is best for sg take down with grenades and stickies but sometimes you need fast ranged dps. Then I use the Direct Hit, especially if I can get another soldier or sniper to coordinate fire. Usually the engineer will be using the wrangler at extreme ranges beyond grenades or stickies (beyond stickies because the engineer will shoot them before you can charge the range on enough of them) when I need to do this.

Comparing the Loch'NLoad to the default Grenade launcher the Loch'NLoad does have it's uses however the default weapon is definitely more versatile. The ability to bounce grenades around corners or use them for area denial is an art by itself. I've often launched grenades missing then deliberately pressed towards my enemy to intimidate them to walk backwards... directly over the grenades I "missed" with. Rolling grenades into distant sg bases is also extremely useful in increasing your range.

Hey Patriot are you still having issues connecting to other servers than Fish? I pm'ed Edac about Fish's server bug but he never responded if he fixed it.


Maybe we can try prophunt or zombie mod one night instead of the normal maps. Or maybe we could do a different night and do the mods.

I really need to get another dedicated server operator to try some of this stuff out I haven't got the time to mess with it over mapping and modeling XD. It will just be a pain to find and train one it's easy to overwrite and mess things up.
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