Tek's Writing Challenge: Tek7, 2nd attempt

Day 20 (May 14, 2007): Jolly Little Pig

I've been reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. Can you tell?
There once was a jolly little pig named Sangria. You might be thinking that Sangria is a strange name for a pig and, of course, you’d be right. Sangria’s owners were very fond of alcohol so it’s somewhat humorous and quite ironic that Sangria’s sudden and unexpected superpowers involved flammability. More specifically, they involved fire. More specifically yet, they involved shooting jets of flame out his nose.

Sangria’s owners, Beth and Dave, discovered their pet pig’s power one late evening as they were sipping margaritas and watching the sunset from lawnchairs placed, appropriately enough, on their lawn. As the sun dipped past the horizon, both Beth and Dave noticed that the air was much warmer than it should be after the sun had retired for the evening. Since the alcohol had already coated their brain in a thick layer of ignorance and inobservance, it took them a few more minutes to turn around and notice their home was on fire. The sight of the home was shocking enough that they didn’t yet notice their pet pig standing next to the flaming wreckage, steady blue flames shooting out its nose and a stupid grin on its face.

EDIT: I'm still trying to remember what, if anything, I wrote for Sunday, May 13. If/when I find it, I'll post at least the title of the piece to this thread.
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I checked my desktop computer, my notebook computer, the three notebooks by my bed, the CGA forums, and my Gmail. It looks like I didn't write my 100 words for May 13.

Considering that May 13 was Mother's Day and I was returning from seeing my family and best friend in Tulsa, I'm going to ask for one more pass and hope that Dorkelf is kind. :D

In applying for a second pass, here was my schedule for May 13:

  • 9 a.m.: Wake up
  • 9:45 a.m.: Leave for breakfast, then church
  • 12:30 p.m.: Meet wife's family for lunch
  • 1:30 p.m.: Leave Springfield
  • 5 p.m.: Arrive home
  • 5 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.: Unpack and decompress after a weekend of travel
  • 10:30 p.m.: Bed
Not as packed as the last time I asked for a pass, but still rather eventful (and filled with driving).

EDIT: I adjusted the day count on my previous post to reflect the lack of content for May 13.
Day 21 (May 15, 2007): Summary of scene for anime series
Day 22 (May 16, 2007): Set of notes on villains
Day 23 (May 17, 2007): Summary of story arc for anime series
Day 24 (May 18, 2007): Administrative tasks (i.e. several Tribe of Judah-related e-mails)
Day 25 (May 19, 2007): Short story idea: Amaterasu
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Day 26 (May 20, 2007): Short story idea: Amaterasu, cont'd
Day 27 (May 21, 2007): Commentary (i.e. mini-rant) on the early church compared to the modern American church
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Day 28 (May 22, 2007): On Writing Female Characters

EDIT: w00t, 28 days! I qualify for collaborative stories now! :D

(Does this mean I can take a break for a day? :p)
Hmmm...well, I guess we can cut you a LITTLE slack. :p

[Official Response]: Congratulations, Tek7! Because of your diligence in completing a full four weeks of nearly consecutive writing, you now qualify to participate in group collaborative writing! Pip pip, cheerio, wat!

[Unofficial Response]: Well, honestly you would have qualified anyway. :D But you've set a great example for aspiring writers on this forum. In fact, your contest has really ignited this writing forum in a way I would have never predicted. Thank you Tek!

Hmmm...well, I guess we can cut you a LITTLE slack. :p

I may still write a short blurb tonight, but it's already 11:30 p.m. and I don't want to draw wife aggro by keeping her awake while I write. ^^;;
[Unofficial Response]: Well, honestly you would have qualified anyway. :D But you've set a great example for aspiring writers on this forum. In fact, your contest has really ignited this writing forum in a way I would have never predicted. Thank you Tek!

Thank you for the kind words, sir!