so bored at work!!

I posted/replied on all the threads I wanted to....then people stopped trolling or just didn't respond I just decided to bump this one. AND...


You're at school to learn Meli, not to play games or spam message boards. =P But I will allow it if you come to MC on Fridays. :D
I would love to go to MC on Fridays...but since I am at school...and in a leadership position in my fellowship...I have to be social on Fridays. =P
Hahahaha...well Fridays are for large group meetings and those start at 7pm EST and then there's the socials afterwards that are usually lots of fun and it's good for fellowshiping with the new people of the semester and those usually keep me out until at least midnight my time which is usually the end of the MC raid. ^^;;

And on a side note, I couldn't go tonight even if I didn't have large group cuz the a cappella group I'm a part of is performing large group. ^^;;;;'s a linky of a performance that happened this past Friday. The video itself is pretty bad quality cuz the camera was on a table in the back of the room so it had to be zoomed in on the group that sang. But the sound quality is decent. It's nothing really great so don't have high expectations for it. I might upload something from our cd but that's if I get un-lazy. ^^;;But anyways, I hope those that were waiting for this enjoy it as well as everyone else. =)

I'll try to get a better quality video of our next performance in a few weeks. =P