See ya in a few days! haha

If you go to a "con" you can look cool. :p

but anyway yeah I don't learn languages that I don't have to, +45 laziness FACTORZ!!! for me)
i learn some for fun...i know some japanese...including "fighting words" cause let's just say my old guildies liked foreign languages and had loose tongues Oo;
muahaha I know TEH SWEAR!!! in German. a lot of my friends say "ya wel u no i can swaer in spanish" and I'm like "Yes, everyone and his brother can do that. But I, on the other hand..." :p
its not a good thing...just stuff i ran across online and at school..but i can sweat at someone in 5 different languages, not including english
its not a good thing...just stuff i ran across online and at school..but i can sweat at someone in 5 different languages, not including english

Well no it's not a good thing.


its not a good thing...just stuff i ran across online and at school..but i can sweat at someone in 5 different languages, not including english
