Refining the Minion Factory

here in arkansas, we cut up our strawberries, put sugar on 'em, let it sit in the fridge for a while, then put it on cake.

I've done that with blueberries when I was forced to eat fresh fruit, it sounds better on "st'awbees"

Yeah. Weird way to say strawberries. Woop dee doo.
Baron Squirrel said:
here in arkansas, we cut up our strawberries, put sugar on 'em, let it sit in the fridge for a while, then put it on cake.

Heresy! Tainting the fresh, pure strawberries that way...

Want to know how much I love strawberries? When we were dating (college), Paul worked for Kroger. (I worked for Winn-Dixie...ah, the drama.) What would he bring me for gifts? Flowers? No! A half-flat of strawberries! Yep-six pints of strawberries, when they got a good shipment in! And I ate them all...

Well, sometimes I shared with my family...
Baron Squirrel said:
here in arkansas, we cut up our strawberries, put sugar on 'em, let it sit in the fridge for a while, then put it on cake.

I love cutting up my strawberries, and dipping them in powdered sugar. Mmm...Now I'm hungry...
MaidMirawyn said:
Heresy! Tainting the fresh, pure strawberries that way...

Want to know how much I love strawberries? When we were dating (college), Paul worked for Kroger. (I worked for Winn-Dixie...ah, the drama.) What would he bring me for gifts? Flowers? No! A half-flat of strawberries! Yep-six pints of strawberries, when they got a good shipment in! And I ate them all...

Well, sometimes I shared with my family...

How very romantic, pigging out:eek: :rolleyes: :p