Yea, I can help out with the shaman trees, especially the pew pew ones.
I always try to research on the shaman classes (except the wow shaman forums have alot of whining). Learning shot rotations, totem twisting , loving your super mana potions, loving your alchemist stone, loving your drums of restoration, loving your shadow priest.
I know a few things about shaman healing, but I think that's Angrywife's department, just knowing that Chain Heal is your best friend and have a couple of rank 1 healing waves to stack healing way and save your mana on downranked heals, cuz shamans are horribly mana ineffecient.
Enhancement I know the least about, but I can't think to be that difficult as long as you're not going to crazy too early or you'll be eating the wrong end of a crushing blow.
I can help show you the good gear to have to go in there too, no epics needed to enter Kara. I went in with Tidefury and no badge items. Even with the requirements list when it was first printed out said that all casters needed at least 850 +damage of their primary school but I know Tree and I went in with around 450-550 and we stood toe to toe with the best of them. (well Tree did at least cuz he just does that somehow)
And if any serious shaman wants to raid, you'll at least need some sort of totem timer.