Re-forming the Guild

I'm hoping that they will again allow transfers sometime soon. I want to consolidate all my Empire and Republic toons on one server.

Kahiel and I are usually the only ones on TS, so we'd welcome you to stop by and say hello.
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i'm thinking they'll allow transfers as a paid service when they start f2p.

i'm gonna log on and start up a trooper. hope to see someone in game shortly :D

edited: i noticed Begeren Colony is a RP server, do you guys RP a lot or no?
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i'm thinking they'll allow transfers as a paid service when they start f2p.

i'm gonna log on and start up a trooper. hope to see someone in game shortly :D

edited: i noticed Begeren Colony is a RP server, do you guys RP a lot or no?
Rhemmatom, our guild leader, likes to role play but we really haven't done it in SWTOR so far. I do see some RP dialog from time to time on Tython and the fleet, but not often. I'm open to it but haven't RP'd in a long, long time.
I'll try to log in soon and look for you. My main toon is Alerron. Once I get him to 50, I'll probably work on my Trooper who is around 30. Trooper is a lot of fun! Post your toon's name when you get a chance.
i don't RP at all actually lol... i don't mind seeing it going on, but it's just not my thing. :D

trooper name: Rykaju

edit: PS if i don't reply right away in game i've probably had to go afk for a few. :D
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Welcome aboard! I plan to be in game tonight. Maybe I will see you then. Thanks for keeping on top of things Aleron.

Also, RP is totally optional. I don't run into many who do. It's not a problem for me. :)
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It'll be good to have you back, Tom. I'm running into a problem killing a boss on Belsavis but I don't think you're up there yet.
hey everyone. i know i just joined but haven't been in game for a few days. i've been giving the guild i'm in on shadowlands a bit more to see if they were going to be active again. as of right now it doesn't look promising, as i've been the only one on in our republic guild, and usually one of 3 on in our sith guild if i'm lucky lol. i'll be in game as much as i can, praying that Bioware opens up server transfers. if/when that happens, depending on how much it cost, i'm hoping to transfer over my trooper and/or smuggler, and possibly my SI as well. anyway, just wanted to let ya know where the newbie was lol. hopefully i'll see ya in game sometime this weekend :D
We have been playing some, and I plan to be on tonight. Hoping we can get a group up for some Flashpoints.
It'll be good to have you back, Tom. I'm running into a problem killing a boss on Belsavis but I don't think you're up there yet.

I might be high enough to give you a hand with that. BTW, has anyone tried to get HK-47 yet? I think you have to be 50, but I haven't tried on mine yet.
hey everyone. i know i just joined but haven't been in game for a few days. i've been giving the guild i'm in on shadowlands a bit more to see if they were going to be active again. as of right now it doesn't look promising, as i've been the only one on in our republic guild, and usually one of 3 on in our sith guild if i'm lucky lol. i'll be in game as much as i can, praying that Bioware opens up server transfers. if/when that happens, depending on how much it cost, i'm hoping to transfer over my trooper and/or smuggler, and possibly my SI as well. anyway, just wanted to let ya know where the newbie was lol. hopefully i'll see ya in game sometime this weekend :D
We actually had four on last night! Doesn't sound like much but it's a good start for us as we rebuild the guild.

Thanks for the offer Kahiel but Rhematom actually helped me with it a few days ago. I'm now finishing up on Voss.
All my toons got put on the Bastion and I didn't get to keep any names. :( No way I am paying to transfer them and I don't want to start over.
I transferred my PvP Imp toons to The Bastion the first day it was allowed. I got to keep my names or add a punctuation mark to make it similar. I had some alts on other severs that all got transferred to The Harbinger. Some I transferred myself and got to keep the same names. Others were transferred after I had stopped playing and have random characters for names. I deleted some of them. I'm mainly focusing on my Republic toons on Begeren Colony for now.

They announced that guild names will become available if no one has logged into a guild character for six weeks. I don't remember when that starts but I hope they do it for character names too.
I might be high enough to give you a hand with that. BTW, has anyone tried to get HK-47 yet? I think you have to be 50, but I haven't tried on mine yet.

yes, you have to have at least one lvl 50 to do the quest initially, but then i believe you can use credits or cc to unlock it on any of your legacy alts. basically, level 50 to do the quests to get HK, or creds/cc to unlock it (for any level) once you've done the quests on a lvl 50 initially.
Anyone been playing? I had a character in the guild a while back that I do not have any longer. I have started playing again along with two of my children and plan to play at least through the holidays (while we are all on break). If anyone is going to be on the character I have been playing is Razjet Jedi knight. I got bored with the game pretty quick last time but I am hoping to stay interested a little longer this time :-).
There are a few of us on most evenings. Alerron is most active I think. We are on the Bergeren Colony for Pubs. Look for Alerlon or Kahiel and we can get you an invite.
I'll have to keep an eye open for y'all next time I log in. :) GW2 is my go-to right now, but I still wanna play through the stories of the Old Republic and quest about.