Raiding reqirements

Domo was Redeemeds fight. We spent months banging our heads on that. When we gave up for the week, we gave the instance to Fallen to finish Domo and Rag, how sad really. But the day we got, the day it clicked, you are right Where, everybodies ears were bleeding and vocal chords were sore. And after that, every attempt was perfect execution, even if we had 5 or 10 new people.

The difference between Ateam and Redeemed in the end when it comes to progression is that Ateam spends (or spent) 6 days a week on it, we spend 2. And I like it that way. Less of a job. And running Kara over and over again is fun, at least its eye candy compared to MC.
I really think giving rag and domo to fallen fueled the fire and desire that made everyone step up their game
It certainly fueled mine. It was also nice of them to allow Redeemed members in on the kill to get a feel of how smooth it can go or should go.
Good thing you guys killed Domo... even better I got out of singing Banana Phone when you guys downed him...

Good times...
