Yea, that's a good point, although I disagree that they're "crappy computers"...I think they're very good, highly specialized computers that do one thing really well: play video games.
I don't know about you, but honestly, as much as I love games on computers, it can be really frustrating at times. Something new comes out and you gotta buy a new rig just to play it, or download new drivers, download the patch for the game you just installed, upgrade the OS, etc. etc. Computers are great because they're flexible, they do so many things, but we pay for that flexibility in these compatability and "cost to play" issues.
Consoles? They just *work*. I put a disc in and I'm good to go, right away. A standard is set and all developers aim for that standard. And that standard won't change for the next 5 years, for better or for worse.
I like the fact that these consoles are "crappy computers", because they do the things they were designed to do and they do them well. (more or less) Having a hard drive is great: no mussing with memory cards, downloading games through a "market place" to your drive saves $$ and supports micro-game development. Online connectivity facilitates the delievery of those games plus connections to your friends across the country. No more split screen silliness, which is good or bad, depending on how you look at it. (good: more screen real estate, your own bag of chips; bad: you miss the social connection that good round of 4-player Golden Eye used to bring)
At any rate, it is an interesting issue you raise...I've read arguements about the whole console gaming vs. PC gaming wars, and who's winning. PC's are losing as the number of people playing games on PCs is declining (or is at least stagnant) while console gamers are rising. And yet...consoles are becoming more like PCs?