PS3, Wii, 360?

Nintendo: Give us Chrono Trigger for the Wii!


Oh, and for the Gameboy Advance, as well. *coughn00bscough* :p

It would be nice to have playable games from the Gameboy and possibly, the Sega Game Gear.

It would also be nice playing the old games I used to love. If they are out, I wouldn't mind getting a Wii.

Street of Rage 3
EarthWorm Jim
TMNT: Turtles in Time
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Advance Wars 2
CT Special Forces (Counter-Strike in 2D-gameplay) :cool:
Panzer Dragoon
Guardian Heroes
Virtua Cop 2
It would also be nice playing the old games I used to love. If they are out, I wouldn't mind getting a Wii.


Street of Rage 3
Streets of Rage 3 was cool, but Streets of Rage 2 may very well be the greatest 2D side-scrolling fighter ever made.


I recently saw a video of the upcoming Star Wars game for the Wii. The chance to wield a virtual lightsaber is a strong selling point for the console.
Streets of Rage 3 was cool, but Streets of Rage 2 may very well be the greatest 2D side-scrolling fighter ever made.


I recently saw a video of the upcoming Star Wars game for the Wii. The chance to wield a virtual lightsaber is a strong selling point for the console.

Have to agree with you on SoR 2. Though, its been many, many years since I've played it.

It would seem right of the Star Wars game to have lightsabre fights.

Nice to see some people still into the old classics.

Actually, I need to rephrase a game, Earthworm Jim 2 because the song, Sonata, was very smooth to hear.

Sirthom, for the Virtual Console on the Wii, how do you pay the old/classic games? Through credit-card?

MAN, I'm really thinking of getting the Wii over the PS3! :eek:

I wouldn't mind re-living the old/classic games that I'd play constantly. :cool:

Street Fighter, Stunt Race FX, Star Fox/64, F-Zero/64, Donkey Kong Country 1/2/3, King of Monsters 1/2, Final Fight 1/2/3....*drools* :p
Sirthom, for the Virtual Console on the Wii, how do you pay the old/classic games? Through credit-card?
In the US, you can pay via MasterCard or Visa, or you can purchase points from a store, then enter the code into the service. I'm pretty sure it works the same way in Canada.
How is it, appropriateness-wise?

Very *in*appropiate. While we were playing, my friend said "I think two things that will characterize all next generation games will be amazing graphics and frequent use of the 's' word". It was used so often, you could have made it a drinking game. :P

The gore is also pretty high when you get into melee range with the chainsaw bayonette. (depending on how your tastes run, the chainsaw effects are either really disturbing or hysterics-inducing fun)

I believe I saw something in the options menu for parental controls, but I didn't check it out. I do know that the game has a gore level, and by default it's set to full.

If the game is anything like UT, gore reduction would probably reduce the amount of gibs and colour of the blood. UT had an option to turn off the mature taunts, there might be something similar here, but seeing as most of the swearing goes on in the scripted cut scenes, I don't see them having re-recorded and re-animated a second "clean" script.

@Tek...Wiimote controlled light sabre?? That's, I had heard some bad things about the sword play in Red Steel, but maybe somebody will come up with a better control scheme...

re: Virtual Console...I'm wondering if Sega would ever release any of it's Dreamcast games on the Wii? I get a Wii just for a chance to play Radiant Silvergun, or Seaman, or Chu Chu Rocket...
Ok on the Classic Controller you DO NOT have to buy it to play the VC games your Gamecube Controller will work as well just an FYI.
re: Virtual Console...I'm wondering if Sega would ever release any of it's Dreamcast games on the Wii?

The very idea makes my nerd senses tingle. Unfortunately, the downloads would likely be too large for such a plan to be feasible. A Super Nintendo ROM would likely weigh in at around 3MB, whereas a Dreamcast game could weigh in at around 400-500MB.

I get a Wii just for a chance to play Radiant Silvergun, or Seaman, or Chu Chu Rocket...
Wasn't Radiant Silvergun on the Saturn, though? Ikaruga was on the Dreamcast, I know, because I have a copy in my collection. :D
A Super Nintendo ROM would likely weigh in at around 3MB, whereas a Dreamcast game could weigh in at around 400-500MB.

True, true...but they're doing Nintendo 64 games, which aren't light on the bandwidth either, me thinks.

Wasn't Radiant Silvergun on the Saturn, though? Ikaruga was on the Dreamcast, I know, because I have a copy in my collection. :D

Ah shucks, you're right. :( I'm never going to get to play that game...
if it played the old dreamcast games it'd be a top seller. dreamcast had some of the best classics as well as the beginning to the series of pso.

i remember i found some uber wierd game called like evolution or dna or something. game had no interduction no menu screen no music no dialouge nothing. they stick u in a pond as an egg and u raise a creature giving it random body parts. u unlock them by drawing on a pad and depending on what u draw they give u a body part, lets u draw as much as u want. then u kill crabs and stuff to get calcium ect to equip the body parts.

i miss picking up a game knowing nothing about it and trying to figure it out...

p.s off topic i know
The PS3 and Xbox 360 aren't consoles anymore...they are basically crapy computers. Yes, they sound nice, for a console, but they aren't. They run like computers, play online games like computers, and contain large hard drives. Nintendo has no interest in entering that market, because all they want to release is a console, and that is what they did. I believe that the Wii wins the console war because it is the only console... The other two are in a league of their own... I am sorry that my comment did not follow what was intended here, I am just making my opinion know...thank you...
Yea, that's a good point, although I disagree that they're "crappy computers"...I think they're very good, highly specialized computers that do one thing really well: play video games.

I don't know about you, but honestly, as much as I love games on computers, it can be really frustrating at times. Something new comes out and you gotta buy a new rig just to play it, or download new drivers, download the patch for the game you just installed, upgrade the OS, etc. etc. Computers are great because they're flexible, they do so many things, but we pay for that flexibility in these compatability and "cost to play" issues.

Consoles? They just *work*. I put a disc in and I'm good to go, right away. A standard is set and all developers aim for that standard. And that standard won't change for the next 5 years, for better or for worse.

I like the fact that these consoles are "crappy computers", because they do the things they were designed to do and they do them well. (more or less) Having a hard drive is great: no mussing with memory cards, downloading games through a "market place" to your drive saves $$ and supports micro-game development. Online connectivity facilitates the delievery of those games plus connections to your friends across the country. No more split screen silliness, which is good or bad, depending on how you look at it. (good: more screen real estate, your own bag of chips; bad: you miss the social connection that good round of 4-player Golden Eye used to bring)

At any rate, it is an interesting issue you raise...I've read arguements about the whole console gaming vs. PC gaming wars, and who's winning. PC's are losing as the number of people playing games on PCs is declining (or is at least stagnant) while console gamers are rising. And yet...consoles are becoming more like PCs? :)
True, true...but they're doing Nintendo 64 games, which aren't light on the bandwidth either, me thinks.
A Nintendo 64 ROM usually weighs in at between 32MB and 64MB. Dreamcast game ISOs are significantly larger.

I'd love to see some Dreamcast games ported to the Wii, but I think so many of the quality titles were already ported to the Playstation 2 (Rez comes to mind) that many people aren't looking for those ports any more.
The reason for me calling them "crappy computers" is because I do a lot of computer work, and I find the customizable feature of a computer amazing. If you know what you are doing, you will never have to buy a new computer, just new hardware. Which in 5 years may only be $100, when to get the next gen system you have to pay $600.

I do not disagree, Consoles are awesome, if I had the money I would pick up a PS3 ASAP, and I will probably be getting a Wii for Christmas. I will play and enjoy consoles probably for the rest of my life. I am just afraid that if the PS3 continues and the Xbox 360 continues, they won't be consoles, but a computer, with a tower and monitor. I am just wondering where can they go from here. What could they add to a console that wouldn't just make it a PC tower?

Like I said before, I believe the consoles also to be amazing, but I am just afraid they are going too far too fast. Let me use a word picture (for the fun of it...xD) The Xbox and PS are driving down a wide straight road as fast as they can, with nothing but clear skies in front of them, but what they don't see a few miles down the road is a huge brick wall. If they go too fast they will not be able to stop, and will hit it, and be destroyed, But, if they notice it, they can detour of the road and find another way to get back on the road. Sorry this is so long...