(First a short back story):
I was once living on the streets, hitch hiking around the country trying to grow a bit and enjoy life some. I was also in search of something to bring back to the worship group I was involved in before I started my trek: I was a Satan worshiper. Within a month of starting out on this adventure I met Jesus in the desert town of Kingman, Arizona. I found myself in Florida and struggling to wish to continue life because I was tired of everything being against me. I didn't know it at the time but Satan wasn't happy I switched sides. I was apparently valuable to God's Plan.
I have been under The Blood of Jesus for about a year at this time, still in Spiritual diapers so to speak, and just accepting my life as failure. I ran into Joanne when her roommate saw me and knew my plans of suicide, so offered me a hot meal and shower in order to encourage me to try life some more. Joanne's life and personality caught me off guard and I fell in love and lost my desire to kill myself. (God Intervenes!)
Joanne was in fact THE BEST thing God gave to me, save for Jesus Christ. I learned how society functions a bit better, grew in wisdom with dealing with people and felt love from another person for the first time since I ran off to hitch hike.
(Back to the present):
For about 10 years now my wife has been suffering with mild dementia and it seems to be getting worse. It may be the start of Alzheimer's or some other form that is similar to it. She has lost much of her memory, quite a bit of self confidence and is (almost) running her life in fear. Much of this fear comes from past abuse as well as lack of proper support from family, so directly involves me as "the potential abuser". Her defenses and lack of direct involvement with me any more are causes for great cause for alarm.
I have FULL faith in God's Will, God's Word and God's Way so honestly have no serious worries. However I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried at all. If this were the case I wouldn't make this post. I've tried getting help from people, even my own church, but it seems (with the aid of Satan's lies) I am alone in this quest. I know I am not for I know a few at my church are in fact praying. I also know this post won't be ignored for I believe what I've seen within this community is in fact within The Plan of God and God's People are here. Period.
My prayer request is this: Please pray for Joanne's health all across the board (mental, physical, emotional, etc) as well as for myself to remain strong and confident in my belief that this is merely temporary, some form of education for us both.
I have been with my wife (Joanne) for almost 32 years now. She was my first love after I loved Jesus for loving me.
Thank you, and God Bless!
(First a short back story):
I was once living on the streets, hitch hiking around the country trying to grow a bit and enjoy life some. I was also in search of something to bring back to the worship group I was involved in before I started my trek: I was a Satan worshiper. Within a month of starting out on this adventure I met Jesus in the desert town of Kingman, Arizona. I found myself in Florida and struggling to wish to continue life because I was tired of everything being against me. I didn't know it at the time but Satan wasn't happy I switched sides. I was apparently valuable to God's Plan.
I have been under The Blood of Jesus for about a year at this time, still in Spiritual diapers so to speak, and just accepting my life as failure. I ran into Joanne when her roommate saw me and knew my plans of suicide, so offered me a hot meal and shower in order to encourage me to try life some more. Joanne's life and personality caught me off guard and I fell in love and lost my desire to kill myself. (God Intervenes!)
Joanne was in fact THE BEST thing God gave to me, save for Jesus Christ. I learned how society functions a bit better, grew in wisdom with dealing with people and felt love from another person for the first time since I ran off to hitch hike.
(Back to the present):
For about 10 years now my wife has been suffering with mild dementia and it seems to be getting worse. It may be the start of Alzheimer's or some other form that is similar to it. She has lost much of her memory, quite a bit of self confidence and is (almost) running her life in fear. Much of this fear comes from past abuse as well as lack of proper support from family, so directly involves me as "the potential abuser". Her defenses and lack of direct involvement with me any more are causes for great cause for alarm.
I have FULL faith in God's Will, God's Word and God's Way so honestly have no serious worries. However I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried at all. If this were the case I wouldn't make this post. I've tried getting help from people, even my own church, but it seems (with the aid of Satan's lies) I am alone in this quest. I know I am not for I know a few at my church are in fact praying. I also know this post won't be ignored for I believe what I've seen within this community is in fact within The Plan of God and God's People are here. Period.
My prayer request is this: Please pray for Joanne's health all across the board (mental, physical, emotional, etc) as well as for myself to remain strong and confident in my belief that this is merely temporary, some form of education for us both.
I have been with my wife (Joanne) for almost 32 years now. She was my first love after I loved Jesus for loving me.
Thank you, and God Bless!