Tek7 (Legacy)
CGA & ToJ President
Greetings, all. This message is addressed primarily to the following people:
Rizz, LionOfJudah, Exo-slayer, and Bowser
This message can, if so desired, also apply to:
kraniac, Metalblessing, Mad Chengman, Eltolad, and Eagle
While we have cancelled the original plans for the 2004 Christian Gamers Alliance in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we would still like to gather with as many Christian gamers as are willing to visit this weekend. Elihu and I brainstormed a tentative agenda for the weekend last night and will continue refining that plan throughout the day. Please stay tuned to this thread for updates.
If you are on this list and would like to come hang out with us for any part of the upcoming weekend, please e-mail elihu AT cgalliance DOT org and tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org as soon as possible. If you have my or Elihu's phone number, please call us right after sending your e-mail.
If you are not on this list and would still like to visit Tulsa, Oklahoma to fellowship with us this weekend, send an e-mail to the aforementioned addresses.
Yes, we are "winging" it, but we anticipate this weekend will still be loads of fun. I'm looking forward to it!
Rizz, LionOfJudah, Exo-slayer, and Bowser
This message can, if so desired, also apply to:
kraniac, Metalblessing, Mad Chengman, Eltolad, and Eagle
While we have cancelled the original plans for the 2004 Christian Gamers Alliance in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we would still like to gather with as many Christian gamers as are willing to visit this weekend. Elihu and I brainstormed a tentative agenda for the weekend last night and will continue refining that plan throughout the day. Please stay tuned to this thread for updates.
If you are on this list and would like to come hang out with us for any part of the upcoming weekend, please e-mail elihu AT cgalliance DOT org and tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org as soon as possible. If you have my or Elihu's phone number, please call us right after sending your e-mail.
If you are not on this list and would still like to visit Tulsa, Oklahoma to fellowship with us this weekend, send an e-mail to the aforementioned addresses.
Yes, we are "winging" it, but we anticipate this weekend will still be loads of fun. I'm looking forward to it!