Operation Burnination: Tek's PC situation

Okay, I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that I was able to get the basics installed and a Norton Ghost drive image created.

The bad news it that my motherboard chipset fan is giving out and the spare ThermalTake I had stashed away doesn't fit.

I'll be calling Giga-byte tomorrow to demand that they either send me a new chipset fan or a new motherboard.

I'll probably delay gaming a few more days as I don't want to melt the system before I get a new chipset fan.

EDIT: Some bit of good news amidst the drama: I lowered the FSB (front side bus) speed to ease the motherboard's workload a bit, but the fan still sputters. I think this is a fairly good sign that it's the fan, and not how the motherboard is handling power, that's the issue.

I've already checked a few web sites for local stores, but none have chipset fans in stock. If Giga-byte refuses to send me a new chipset fan, I might have to break down and order one from Newegg. I'd hate to do that, though, since half the cost of buying a new fan would be the shipping.
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By the bye, just how important is a chipset fan? The chipset also has a heatsink on it. Maybe I could get away with continuing to install programs but wait on playing games?
June 10, 2005. 10:42 Central

I just got off the phone with Giga-byte's RMA department. They're going to send me a new chipset fan by US Mail, hopefully today. So that's good news.

Now I'm wondering if it's safe to continue installing programs and games this weekend? I can run the PC with the case open and shut down after 30 minutes or so. I just hate losing yet another weekend thanks to faulty computer parts.
i would assume as long as your procecssor doesnt run past i would say 70% usage for long amounts of time, you should be ok..... but thats just me making a semi educated guess... ^_^
chipset fan? ... dont think ive ever seen one installed on a computer before.... heatsinks yes but no fans
Atown said:
chipset fan? ... dont think ive ever seen one installed on a computer before
Click here > Click "Zoom In" twice > The chipset fan is under the plate marked "Giga-byte 8X."

If I understand correctly, many boards use only heatsinks to keep the chipset cool while some use heatsinks and fans.
June 12, 2005. 19:29 Central

hescominsoon said:
I would put the case on it with the old fan removed. wait about 5-10 minutes and then opent he case and check the heatsink. If it's hot..turn the computer off until you get the new fan.
Computer has run for five minutes. Going to open the case and check it out.

Kids, do not try this at home. ^^
Five minutes in, chipset heatsink is only warm. Going to run it for another five minutes and check again.

UPDATE: Ten minutes in, chipset heatsink is gaining quite a bit of heat. Going to shut down and move back to my backup PC. The chipset fan should arrive by Wednesday, so I'll be back in business then (God willing).
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June 13, 2005. 14:38 Central

I just received the replacement chipset fan by U.S. Mail.

I glanced at the new fan, and the sticker on it reads "DC 12V 0.09A" where the sticker on my old fan reads "DC 12V 0.08A."

Is it safe to install this new fan?
Tek7 said:
Is it safe to install this new fan?
I called one of my techie friends from Tulsa and he informed me that installing the fan should be perfectly safe.

I installed the fan, booted the computer, and now the chipset is nice and cool. ^^ It appears that I am back in business, w00t!
Heh. One last silly question for the techie types: Does it matter if I install the chipset fan with the sticker facing down or facing up? I installed the chipset fan with the sticker facing down, but want to make sure. I'm trying to get Giga-byte on the phone, but the wait time is ridiculous. >_<

JUNE 13, 2005: Installed chipset fan. Installed Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Unreal Tournament 2004, Natural Selection, and updates.

JUNE 14, 2005: Logged on to CGA forums to discover ServerBeach had updated their ToS to allow adult content and the Tribe of Judah server account was cancelled in protest (which I agree with).

JUNE 15, 2005: Tested Half-Life 2. Updated drivers after weird graphical errors; update fixed problem. Freaked out by G-Man's close-up at the beginning of Half-Life 2.

JUNE 16, 2005: Played Natural Selection for roughly an hour and a half.

That's right, I'm back in the gaming world and it feels so good!

I know I've been out of the loop for a long time, but if you're ever gaming and need an extra player, IM me and I'll try to join you if time allows. ^^
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