One Night with the King

This movie was VERY well done. For a Christian production, the quality was quite surprising. It is very true to the Biblical tale of Esther with SOME inaccuracies (the non-bearded Jews...the blond Jew...etc), but most of them are minor and forgivable (Although I do have a hard time forgiving them. ;) ).
I saw it was pretty good. Typical Christian type movie Production. Had a decent budget but still very B Movie like. Had a couple decent actors. Overall I enjoyed it.
Actually, it really wasn't a B Movie re. production...This isn't something I'm basing on my own authority, but from secular producers and media critics that I know. A-grade, folks. Just because it doesn't have shiny lights and spacey noises doesn't mean it's B-grade. :)
FTR, "B-Movie" simply means done on a fairly small budget.

Which can be funny when you think that some of the "great" CGI films were accomplished on VERY small budgets.