One Night with the King

This movie was VERY well done. For a Christian production, the quality was quite surprising. It is very true to the Biblical tale of Esther with SOME inaccuracies (the non-bearded Jews...the blond Jew...etc), but most of them are minor and forgivable (Although I do have a hard time forgiving them. ;) ).
I saw it was pretty good. Typical Christian type movie Production. Had a decent budget but still very B Movie like. Had a couple decent actors. Overall I enjoyed it.
Actually, it really wasn't a B Movie re. production...This isn't something I'm basing on my own authority, but from secular producers and media critics that I know. A-grade, folks. Just because it doesn't have shiny lights and spacey noises doesn't mean it's B-grade. :)
FTR, "B-Movie" simply means done on a fairly small budget.

Which can be funny when you think that some of the "great" CGI films were accomplished on VERY small budgets.
me and my fiance enjoyed the movie very much. great movie to watch with your s/o im my opinion