Nominating candidates for World of Warcraft chapter leader, Redeemed guild leader

Odale said:
I dont like the idea of "taking turns" with being the GL. I think that everyone should help make decisions, and then take a vote.
Thats right im quoting myself..

By "everyone should help make decisions", i mean that the Counsil and Members of Redeemed that the decision directly affects should help making a decision. I just wanted to clarify.
I agree the appointment of a Guild Leader is a big responsibility, back in the day when D2 was the "big game", I ran a rather large guild there Christian Gamer.

The guild leader whoever thay are needs helps from a council and also input from members so at steps can be taken to incorporate all players in the group involvement whether they are 60 looking at higher upper end instances or the lower just starting out stuff. In my experience typically, a lvl60 is going to be focused on doing the stuff around there level and won't neccessarily want to run Gnomer. Granted there are those within the guild that have done just that thing and I think it shows a unity in the members.

From my perspective, Yes First and foremost we are a Christian Guild and as such we as a guild should represent that to the others around us, whether it be through Bible Study, Praying, or just taking time to talk to members who may just need to talk about their life situations. Secondly we are playing a game, and 90% or better of the members I believe are like myself in this respect, we are coming to game, run instances, PvP, quest and level up in the company of like-minded individuals without the nonsense in other guilds.
I come to play to level, to quest and enjoy the comradery of fellow believers.

With that being said, there are very within the guild who I believe are qualified to be guild leader. There are also very few within the guild who I believe are spiritually mature enough to be "counselors" to help individuals deal with their real life issues and honestly I would be wary of some people talking to others about faith issues or trying to help people with there problems.

1. We are a Christian Guild, not a church, therapist, or counselor.
2. Attempting to undertake the role of a church, therapist, or counselor, would be very risky. Yes, we are a Christian group, and yes we are to try and help fellow members in those aspects but it should be not the sole purpose or attempt to take the place of those things.
3. We are playing a game, and we should realize that as this being a game, we are here to level, run raids, pvp, etc..and as a bonus we do it among people we have common likes, beliefs as well.
4. I took on the position of Living In Christ head because I felt in-game we needed to grow and develop our relationship with Christ. I've always felt and unless something drastically changes will always feel that if I can't take Christ with me here, I need not be here either. With that being said, I say this the Friday night Bible Studies are an important aspect of this guild, however in real life we go to church, have Bible Study, outside the game. While in game we want to play level, etc.. as I stated earlier.

I hope what I've said will not be misunderstood by anyone and I hope the appointment of a new guild leader would comprise these sames thoughts.

The new guild leader will have a mind for Christ and the desire for the gamers within the guild to have their individual playing styles met, whether that be pvp, casual gaming, higher end instances, or lower instances. I know this has been a lengthy post but, I hope you all consider what I said.

Always Your Brother In Christ,

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I think it would be cool for Tek7 to be the leader of our guild, but that be kinda hard if you are leader of Redeemed and Tribe of Judah. I really like to get to know what the possible leaders could be. If anyone here like to be a guild leader they should post something here about themselves. Remember let this be a fair oppotunity for anyone trying to become leader, and let us not forgot the work Fj has done for our guild. But to make life easier for Fj I think a new leader should come but after a long time a new there will be another new guild leader. But it really doesn't matter if you have "Guild Leader" by your name there is still so much that you can do for this guild that make you look like a leader.
Paladin Of Chaos said:
But it really doesn't matter if you have "Guild Leader" by your name there is still so much that you can do for this guild that make you look like a leader.

Wow, very well spoken!
I nominate Tek!

Yay for Tek!

Give me a T! Give me an E! Give me a K!

(kidding :) )
Quick update: I've received only one e-mail nominating a guild member for the guild leader position so far. If I'm going to appoint a new guild leader, I need input from the guild! Please send your nominations to tek7 AT toj DOT cc
I think I neglected to mention that guild members can also directly volunteer for the guild leader and chapter leaders positions. If you want to volunteer for these posts, send an e-mail to tek7 AT toj DOT cc with your in-guild name and why you want the positions.
Who resurrects a dead thread that needs to stay dead...I actually got appointed to this position....oooooo the horror....scared...