New World! It needs YOU! And maybe a name. And a plan... plans are good too.

gotospawn does not work for me.. just /gotospawn ?

edit... you just type it into chat.. derp

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I had a crying moment. I went afk for moment in what i thought was a safe area. I got killed by a zombie and all my stuff despawned.

Say good by enchanted pick axe, torches, baked potatoes, my assorted stone for building... you shall not have been lost in vain!
If anyone needs an Ender Chest for storing valuables, just let me know. They are player-linked, so all of them only show your account's inventory in them, and everyone else sees their own as well. Perfect security (although not very large).

dcshknight, I put one at your warp landing point in case you need one. You can have one too, ewoksrule, when you find a place to settle.

If I missed anyone, you can use anyone else's by virtue of their design, but it's nice to have one at home for convenience, so just let me know.
Someone killed most of my cows. :mad: I went from a huge herd to now just 6.

Harvesting wheat and replanting is something most people don't mind. Killing off slow-to-breed animals is not cool. If you have permission to kill someone's animals, then at least breed the same number that you kill.

Keep trying. The servers are on the fritz today. It took me a lot of attempts too this afternoon.

"Down for Maintenance" is just the "didn't connect" message, I think.

Hm, this doesn't bode well... perhaps there is something really going on.


Edit 2:

Edit 3:
And now back two steps. and multiplayer session server both red and down.

Edit 4:
Four out of six services down. Mojangcrosoft is not doing well tonight.

Edit 5:
Hooray! Only one (Multiplayer Session Server) is down now! We're back where we started! Well, this gives me hope for tomorrow. I mean later today.

Edit 6:
We're in! Eventually! Just keep trying if it doesn't work right away. :D (as of 8 am Thursday)
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After many in-game days of searching, and a whole lot of fish for what statistically should have taken about 3... I now have cats!
Currently I have a grey Siamese and orange cat, so I can breed one of those for anyone interested.


P.S. Meow. Mew. Meow. Purrrr... Mew. Mew. Meow. Oh no, what have I gotten myself into...
Yeah gotospawn is not working.

Also I moved my home. I am now out at the Desert place permantly. I took what I wanted from my old area. Anyone is free to have what is left. We should move the warp block as well.

also when people build portals please make sure that others do not have portals above you. Someone built a portal under the Desert area i am working at and broke my portal.
Yeah gotospawn is not working.
Resetting the server fixed this. It got out of sync with the web interface (Multicraft).

Also I moved my home. I am now out at the Desert place permantly. I took what I wanted from my old area. Anyone is free to have what is left. We should move the warp block as well.

Roger! I'll change the warp.

also when people build portals please make sure that others do not have portals above you. Someone built a portal under the Desert area i am working at and broke my portal.

(After checking his portal and talking to him).
Well, if you don't build your corresponding portal in the Nether, you are at the mercy of whomever builds another portal closer to you. It's not "broken" if you never had a proper link in the first place. :)

When you build a portal, take the coordinates (Push F3) in the normal world, then divide the first and last by 8. That's where you build your corresponding Nether portal. Get your height close if you can, but that's hard in the Nether.
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Resetting the server fixed this. It got out of sync with the web interface (Multicraft).

Roger! I'll change the warp.

(After checking his portal and talking to him).
Well, if you don't build your corresponding portal in the Nether, you are at the mercy of whomever builds another portal closer to you. It's not "broken" if you never had a proper link in the first place. :)

When you build a portal, take the coordinates (Push F3) in the normal world, then divide the first and last by 8. That's where you build your corresponding Nether portal. Get your height close if you can, but that's hard in the Nether.

"Well, if you don't build your corresponding portal in the Nether, you are at the mercy of whomever builds another portal closer to you. It's not "broken" if you never had a proper link in the first place. :)"

FINE you cotton headed ninny muggins!;-D I just watched elf. Dont ask.
/me detects a touch of sarcasm

unless you mean the auto harvester, I actually think it looks cool.

No brother, I am not being sarcastic at all. I really like your build so far. I love the terraced garden with auto harvester. Does it do it with water?

And your building is nice too. The big auto sorter and such all nice and tucked away. You dont see any redstone unless you go down in the maintenance areas. Very nice use of space with the levels all the way down to the bed rock. That must have taken a long time to dig out. You would never think that all that is under that brown house. Your like oh nice little house. It is simple well built and then BAM! machines of dooom! I love it!