New Raid Group

how long are you coaching for?? I put up the raid on the in-game calendar for this week but I am away the next two weeks. (Jan 16 and 23). I still want to go this week so we can get a feel for the raid and the group

I'd love to start running ICC 10. Been pretty bored lately with my mage as the other instances don't help him out much. Thanks for your willingness to put it together!
Wow! You've got some strong players/toons in your group:
1. Jason (Jermayan/Dragost) - Tank/DPS/heals
2. Meaghan (Valoden) - DPS/heals
3. Eric (Guilo) - Tank
4. Mike (Angusog) - DPS
5. Trevor (Massada) - DPS/Tank
6. Sheri (Ambryana) - DPS
7. Chris (xofsirhc) - DPS
8. Charlsmartel - DPS
9. Tom (Dallben) - Healer
10. ?? Todd (Meshach)

Lots of them have been through or to TotCrusader as well. I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to you all running this Saturday!
i hate to say this, but i can not make it tonight. i have plans with a friend that i don't get to see that often. should be one of my few nights that i won't be able to make.
ok prob not gonna go tonight, plan then is to start at the end of January. Still technically looking for a 3rd healer too.
If you still need anyone for this run my warrior can be available most nights. He's better geared as a tank but I can dps if needed. Thanks.
hey Kasiem, I'm sorry - I really want to do TotC and ICC but I've found over the last few Saturdays that there's too much other stuff happening for me in that time slot. I'll keep checking these boards to see if any other opportunities come up that I can take part in. Thank you for leading this one.
couple of things kaseim. are we on for this saturday(01/30)? also i finally have buto, dps/healer, up to 80, now just working on her gear. since i will be snowed in this weekend i hope to get some sympathetic guildies to do some runs through toc and possibly htoc to start off on the gear part. got my first triumph set piece but since i still can't get into heroics yet, gear, i am limited to 2 a day :(
I'm planning on pushing my mage to 80 this weekend. I'll be trying to hit as many dungeons/heroics as my wife and kids will let me. :D Look me up, I'd be more than happy to run stuff with you.

If you've got some gold lying around, you can get some really nice stuff crafted. Check out:
- Royal Moonshroud Bracers
- Royal Moonshroud Robe
- Cord of the White Dawn
- Boots of Wintry Endurance or Spellslinger's Slippers

Do you need a weapon? I can craft a caster 1h and offhand to get you started, and the mats aren't too bad for them.

But yeah, if you see me on Pepernoten, just give me a shout, and we'll queue up together.
Hada bit of a fail run last week (Jan 30) gonna try for Friday night this week (Feb 5). Unfortunately we have an overabundance of tanks. I would like to be able to take everyone who has expressed interest but 10 tanks doesn't make a run. I think Friday's work better for Trevor (no basketball) so currently have Eric (Guilo) and Trevor (Massada) as tanks. I know that some weeks Eric has other commitments so will need to fill that spot once in a while. I will try to let you know in advance when that is and will look for Tone or Rich when the time comes (if you guys are ok filling in as subs)

Run is scheduled to start at 7:00 ST if you know you're going to be a bit late, send an in-game mail to Jermayan
was wondering if there was going to be a run this friday, and if so what time? i know last week there was an issue caused the calendar said 7 and it was mentioned it was 8.
Since I have not seen Kasiem on and there is nothing posted in the calendar, I am going ahead and putting it up for 7:30 server. At least we can keep it going till he gets back on.
Not certain about Kasiems schedule for this week, I have put up another run for 18:45 server. Last week we did not do that good, missed two guildies for the run and pulled two from sga.

Here are a few sites for people to review. Gormok the Impaler and Acidmaw and Dreadscale. I will go over these again on Friday, but please review them before the run.

Hopefully we will know more about when Kasiem will come back this week.
another week has gone by and we have not seen the third beast yet. BUT, we did have a clean run against Gormok.

Kasiem will be back next week to lead our marry band into battle. i have posted the raid for next week at 7 server so please sign up so we know who will be joining us.
I`ve been gone for a bit/busy with work, but this week (March 12) we`re definately on. Hope to see you all there.