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May or may not own four or five CDs. >.>

Person below me should show the eskimo pie some love. <3
True. I really should after insulting his game :D

The person below me should show the strawberry pie some love. <3
May or may not own four or five CDs. >.>

Only four or five? :p

Joshinator said:
True. I really should after insulting his game
You better believe it! :D

The person below me should show the strawberry pie some love. <3



The person below me wishes to remain anonymous. :rolleyes:
Only when acting charitably or something like that. The rest of the time... not so much. I mean, I even own my name in .com form! haha

The person below me knows that Yasunori Mitsuda is an awesome composer.
Without fail.

The person below me has already pre-ordered and pre-downloaded Mass Effect 3

EDIT: And if you haven't.. shame on you sir! Shame on you!
I accept my shame, but my wallet thanks me. By waiting, I got Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 for five bucks a pop. I can wait a little if it means getting a $60 game for $20. ;)

The person below me understands what I mean when I say "16-bit still owns my face off."
False but I do remember playing Dolphin Speller from a game cartridge my kids had on a 128D.

The person below can remember seeing a hobbyist computer that had a case made partially of wood.

Edit: That would be the SOL-20 with an Intel 8080 CPU. A kit.
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Oh man. An 8088 was my first computer, a hand-me-down from my aunt. I was learning BASIC on that thing oh-so-shortly after I learned to read! hahaha

I may or may not have seen a hobbyist computer made partially of wood.

The person below me knows what 8T88 is without consulting Google.
truth.. haven't played it in forever..

The person below me knows what gaikai is without using google to figure it out...
True... I haven't played Starcraft in a while. :( It seems the older I get the less time I have to play.

The person below me thinks Diet Dr. Pepper tastes like regular Dr. Pepper just without, ya know, taste. :p
True... just... y'know... only kinda true.

The person below me knows not to even think about touching Diet Mountain Dew... except to throw it out. :D
Truth.. diet anything = gross

the person below me can count to 100,000 without stopping.
oooooh.. .That is so true. I would rather drink straight soda water than drink diet Mountain dew...

**edit answer!**

True, I can count to 100,000 without stopping. Have to for parts of my job. Although its rare I have to go past two or three thousand.

The person below me know that the rules for this game is that you can only post ever 3rd time. (meaning two people need to post between your posts. :p)