Spiderwing clear, 2/3 bosses cleared in Military Wing. We just need to work out a strat on Four Horsemen and practice the execution.
I'd suggest people who go watch this video
http://www.tankspot.com/forums/f206/42138-naxxramas-four-horsemen.html We can modify things if we need to according to our group makeup.
So after thinking about it.. here is what we need to do:
The 1st group is the front left side horseman group: (Tank, healer and all dps)
The 2nd group is the front right side horseman group: (Tank and 1 healer)
The 3rd group is the back 2 horsemen group: (2 ppl, at least one must be able to heal)
The 3rd group must have at least 1 healing type class in it, unless we have 2 dps that can heal themselves. You
tag your assigned horseman once they are in their corners and then back out of melee range. You should only get hit with a single fire magic spell every few seconds for the duration. 3 debuff stacks, you switch your targets to clear it. Rinse and repeat until we get to you. Thats it.
Front 2 Horsemen groups:
Left side, 1st group. (Wovenx, Yesmina and all the dps)
Right side, 2nd group. (Guilo or Apollux with Berstromme)
1st group nukes horseman. We get 3 debuff stacks, we head to middle to meet the 2nd group that also has 3 debuff stacks to
exchange mobs, but not locations. We exchange horsemen and head back to our original corners. (I'm not sure if left horseman will do a meteor during the exchange, that's why I'm saying everyone in 1st group should go with the tank to make the exchange.) Also, the pally tank will taunt first in the exchange (We only have an aoe taunt.. and If the warrior taunts first..I will end up taunting them both back onto me)
Rinse and repeat until 1st groups target is dead. After which, 1st group moves over to 2nd groups mob *(Baron Rivendale) and relieves them (They should back away and clear their debuff) and be ready to move in if 1st group gets 3 stacks. Rinse and repeat until Rivendale is dead.
1st group then moves on to the right
back horseman while 2nd group moves to the left horseman. The 3rd group (original back group) leaves the fight and clears their debuffs. Get out of range of them both. Once your debuff is gone help the 1st group, which ever mob they are on at the time. So 1st & 2nd front group relieves 3rd group with one minor difference from the front horsemen strategy: We do not need to kite and exchange targets to get rid of the debuff. The back horsemen are casters and will stay put, we only need to change sides when we get 3 stacks of the debuff.