Nature Based Religions

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The world would be much better off were it not for that belief.

We can't be sure of that. Its not just Christianity that is causing division. It is differences that cause division. Forced tolerances doesn't help. And if you are not allowed to be vocal about that which you are against, do you truly have freedom?

There is a lot of blame to go around, so lets throwh the pile of it to the ceiling fan and see where it all lands, shall we? I can guarantee, that nobody will walk away smelling like roses.
Religion PERIOD causes division.

The "I'm Right, You're Wrong (oh and you're going to Hell too)" mentality naturally creates strife.

You're right though, everyone is to blame. Some are just more to blame than others (not that I'm pointing fingers)
You don't need religion to cause division.


People deflect things back onto religion and use it as crutch to explain their differences.

Gun registration in Canada has caused great division between Western Canada and Central Canada.  Nothing religious about it.  And when I say great, I mean huge.

The sponsorship scandals in Canada has created massive division between Western and Central Canada. Nothing religious about it.

Health care reform has caused massive division between Western and Eastern Canada.  Nothing religious about it.

I've just listed three issues in Canada (A political, an economical and a social issue) that are threatening to break up Canada, none of which are religious.  As a matter of fact, the religious issues (Gay marriage, church authority and seperation of church and state) aren't even on the radar.  In Quebec, there are cultural differences that are threatening the break up of Canada, nothing religious about it.

---Further Edit---

I think this part of Mechboys quote is dead on as to what causes division:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]everyone thinks their right.
DV, thank you for pretty much saying what I would have. If anyone wants to know more about why I made the decisions I did, please PM me.

Well it IS along the topic lines.

Byblos is bashing Nature based religions, yet he can't back up his own. Doesn't anyone else see a problem there?
Yay for religious bigotry! It's a GOOD thing!

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Gods_Peon @ Oct. 25 2004,5:08)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The world would be much better off were it not for that belief.

We can't be sure of that.  Its not just Christianity that is causing division.  It is differences that cause division.  Forced tolerances doesn't help.  And if you are not allowed to be vocal about that which you are against, do you truly have freedom?

There is a lot of blame to go around, so lets throwh the pile of it to the ceiling fan and see where it all lands, shall we?  I can guarantee, that nobody will walk away smelling like roses.
It's not just Christianity that believes this, for most religions do. It is true that religions are not the only thing that cause division, but that's not what I said.

The world would be better off.