Nature Based Religions

[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Oct. 25 2004,8:11)]beliving there is no truth....
Byblos, of course we believe there is truth. You're being silly. You are believing that you are the only one in all the world that knows the truth. There's a difference. That's called dogmatism, and that's bad.
One of the things I questioned about being christian is how do u know your belief system is right. U can't say your beliefs is the right one, and everyone else is wrong and that they're worshipping a false god.

If it was possible, I say stay true to your own belief system, but respect other people who have a different belief than u.

Nature based religion is just as valid as christianity or Islam. There's no proof saying your religio is more valid than the next person. If there was we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Don't confuse people who beat you black and blue with bible thumping (it has its place, not necessarily where it is being done) and how Jesus taught to evangelise (sp?).  Jesus never taught to beat people into repentance and acceptance.  He taught quite plainly, go into the cities and towns and communities and preach the Gospel and should nobody wish to hear it, knock the dust off your feat and move on.  But if should somebody offer you shelter (in other words, they are willing to hear what you have to say), stay with them a few days.

It doesn't quite apply on CGA because CGA is our town, our community.  We haven't gone into your town or community.  So yeah, expect a few bible thumps in your direction.

<span id='ME'><center>Gods_Peon thumps his bible in all your directions. Thump thump. </center></span>
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It doesn't quite apply on CGA because CGA is our town, our community. We haven't gone into your town or community. So yeah, expect a few bible thumps in your direction.

Not to worry. I am sure we are all grateful for you accepting us here, not mention indulging our questions. Carry on thumping!
A side note !, I believe total what Christ said about the great commission ie: (He taught quite plainly, go into the cities and towns and communities and preach the Gospel and should nobody wish to hear it, knock the dust off your feat and move on. But if should somebody offer you shelter (in other words, they are willing to hear what you have to say), stay with them a few days.)

But as far as questions folks like DV and others who pressed me to carefully take note of challenges folks find with the Bible and Christ, has Infact concreted my faith and My belief in Christ, Father God and The Holy Spirit.

In fact it was those Hard questions that have made me a stronger Christian. And I want to thank you. I do not think it was by chance I got into these discussions.

I find the hell fire and damnation preaching distasteful. I believe we should all model ourselves as Christ’s disciples. Christianity like any large organization has the ability to become corrupted. Many horrible things have been cloaked under the name of goodness. But that is life people by nature are corrupt. Otherwise we would not have to teach child patience, honest, not to lie, and so on.

I think Saint Augustine say; preach the gospel often and when necessary use words. I find that a truism.

As far as truth, I think the most anyone can do is commune with God, find in their heart what God is telling them and do the Best to work on what they feel God is telling them to work on.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

get ta' thumpin'