Movie game

dude, that is like, a real common phrase eh. Strange brew said it, I think it was said in canadian bacon, who knows how many others. Wee bit more specific methinks is needed.
I agree, while i watched the movie last night i wanted to see if anyone else would get it cause ive done to many lately. It should have a minimum length cause thats prolly been in a thousand movies. It is canadian bacon go ahead shark.
When you guys start with the comedy movies, I will be all over it!

till then, tootles
ok fine here is another Hint about the movie it was about a Murder.....( not a canandain movie atleast i think not sure brain is dying slowing at 11 pm at night)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Malohaut @ Feb. 24 2003,9:24)]Hmm.  I almost want to say UHF, but in that movie, its "a festering bowl of dog snot"
Doh, I knew I musta forgot a word in there. Anyway, yes, it is UHF.
Oops. I don't think anybody guessed LionofJudah's quote yet. Here's a recap of his unguessed line:

quote: "Yeah For Sure(Canadian accent)"
hint: it was about a Murder.....( not a canandain movie atleast i think not sure brain is dying slowing at 11 pm at night)
OK, it's my turn :insert mean, grinning Calvin smiley here:

"Have you ever killed anybody?"
"We're getting off the subject."

I'll post more if need be...