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Field of Dreams

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"It's awake!"
"What was your first clue? ... Dump it.

Edit: w00t! I got number 300 too
Yet another:
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"Tell me exactly what it is about this place that reminds you of home! What
is it? The spirit-crushing humidity, the disease-bearing insects or is it the special feeling that
comes from the knowledge that at any given moment a sniper's bullet could come spiralling
toward your forehead. Is that it?"
"And you, Preston, the supposed savior of the resistance are now its destroyer and along with them, you've given me yourself... calmly... coolly... Entirely without incident."

This will prolly be realy hard if no one gets it I will go on with the next line.
"And you, Preston, the supposed savior of the resistance are now its destroyer and along with them, you've given me yourself... calmly... coolly... Entirely without incident."


[Polygraph goes dead]

Technician: "Oh... @#%$!"

"Not with out incident."
ok same movie another quote well more like a conversation. I will even leave the names to make it easyer.

DuPont: Wait! Wait! Look at me. Look at me. I'm life. I live... I breathe... I feel. Now that you know it, can you really take it? Is it really worth the price?

[Preston sees a flash of Mary's face]

John Preston: I'd pay it gladly.
ok gonna put a few last quotes up and if no one gets it in like 24 hours im gonna give the answer and do another one.

Mary: Let me ask you something. Why are you alive?

John Preston: I live to safeguard the continuity of this society, to serve Libria.

Mary: It's circular. You exist to continue your existence. What's the point?

John Preston: What's the point of your existence?

Mary: To feel! 'Cause you have never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking.

Partridge: You always knew.

[begins to read from Yeats]

Partridge: "But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams." I assume you dream, Preston.
Could you have spelled such a great movie any more off, Equilibrium. Your quote is Ice Age i belive since I watched it at your house today.