Mouse combinations?

Ooo ooo get the new Razor Boomslang mouse, THEY LIVE AGAIN MWAHAHAHAHA! Pure 1337ness processed into a mouse shaped package, and I've never even used one! Acctually problem going to be getting one since the vid card I'm thinking about buying comes with a rebate that makes the mouse free($80). Laf, to think of all the smack I lay down on ball mice and I'm buying one.
My MX500 will lay the smackdown on you toe
Isn't razerboomer a ballmouse? it looks like a ball mouse, or i'd have a huge optical space to scan.. having a big one like that isn't actually too good...

Seriously, i'd rather recommend a Intellimouse Exp 3 or a MX500.. u can't go wrong with either Microsoft or Logitech, but u may go wrong with other brands ;)
*waits til Amused goes to sleep*

*Sneaks over put headphones on that repeat: "Buy MX500, it is good. Razerboomer is bad. MX500 good Raverboomer Bad!*
It's a ball mouse that uses optical sensors to figure out like where it's moving. It's pretty spiffy. And now my lips bleeding, darn chapped lips.
No need to break out the trout...I personally prefer the optical mice over the regular put it away.

I own 2 optical mice, I like them both, that's all I care about.

I used to have an old ibm keyboard that was pretty sweet... but it was so heavy it broke my keyboard drawer
Ha, is it one of those old IBM keyboards that makes a heavy click sound each time you press down on the keys? Those rocked!
yeah... and it weighed somewhere between 5 and ten pounds... I also think it was over a year older than me.