Mists of Pandaria


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Moderator's note: Changed thread title from "Best trolling by a developer EVER" to "Mists of Pandaria" on the off chance this is a real thing.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria will be the fourth expansion to the game. It was announced today at the opening ceremonies at BlizzCon 2011 in front 26,000 cheering fans. The expansion promises to deliver the next phase in WoW's development, ushering in a new era of quests, raids, PvP, professions, and instances.

The major details:

* New talent system
* Pandaren race
* Pannaria region
* Monk class
* 90 level cap raised to 90
* Dungeon challenge mode
* PVE Scenarios
* Pet Battle System
Blizzard, you so crazy. I had to chuckle. This is easily on par with their best April Fools Day gags.

I'm just hoping they keep the pet battle system in the real expansion because that sounds awesome.
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Blizzard, you so crazy. I had to chuckle. This is easily on par with their best April Fools Day gags.

I'm just hoping they keep the pet battle system in the real expansion because that sounds awesome.

I'm hoping for pokemon battles
Some gaming news sites are reporting on this like it's a real thing. I'm still not convinced (especially with Guild Wars 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic right around the corner, the Emerald Dream lore still largely untapped, and the sudden promotion of a WarCraft III inside joke to actual WoW lore), but I'm less concerned about its legitimacy than I am about whether they keep the Pokemon battles or not.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say/hope it's legit.


Because I'm pretty sure the only thing that will get me back into WoW are a race of panda monks. I would level one of those guys all the way to 90. AAALLLL THE WAY.
Monk class would be neat, but with other juggernauts coming out soon... why bother? :p
Well there was the whole thing about them filing for copyrights on the title "Mists of Pandaria", but yah, I find it odd that this could actually be a serious thing lol. I'm just wondering, if it is a joke, for what reason did they make it all up?
Well there was the whole thing about them filing for copyrights on the title "Mists of Pandaria", but yah, I find it odd that this could actually be a serious thing lol. I'm just wondering, if it is a joke, for what reason did they make it all up?

Because they can.
I am trying to find the humor?

Pandaren race has been around for a long time is the WAarcarft world... so it was a matter of time. Many people wanted them over what we got in BC.
I was actually laughing at the video, since I hadn't been to the WoW site in ages, I thought the link I clicked on was an April fool joke, then I saw the comments and looked at the date. Pandarens go from having one joke hero in WC3 to having an entire expansion based on them? At first I thought Blzzard was just trolling, but now I see that they're just out of ideas.
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When people started talking about the expansion like it was a real thing, I was confused. I haven't followed in-game lore for quite some time now, so I had guessed that the next expansion would focus on the Emerald Dream. I actually received a Pandaren Monk companion pet (which I <3) as a gift, but there are Diablo and zergling companion pets, too. I missed the step(s) between in-joke and legitimate new race.

But, as I've said, I've missed a considerable amount of new lore, so this new expansion may not be as completely out of nowhere as I thought.

Maybe Blizzard think they'll retain more customers (with SWTOR and GW2 launching within the year) with a fan service expansion than a "serious" expansion like Cataclysm? I can't argue with the logic. I just don't see how they're going to reconcile the light-hearted tone of a race that started as an in-joke with high-level raids, which tend to have a more serious tone (and I'm already sick of the Kung Fu Panda jokes).
I was actually laughing at the video, since I hadn't been to the WoW site in ages, I thought the link I clicked on was an April fool joke, then I saw the comments and looked at the date. Pandarens go from having one joke hero in WC3 to having an entire expansion based on them? At first I thought Blzzard was just trolling, but now I see that they're just out of ideas.

You do release that fans seriously considered that Panderan would be a race in the original WoW?
You do release that fans seriously considered that Panderan would be a race in the original WoW?

Yeah, I'm just they didn't cater to those people until after I left, hehe.
So as long as Bioware doesn't add Ewoks as a playable race in The Old Republic, I won't have to have any anthropomorphic teddy bears in my MMO.
You do release that fans seriously considered that Panderan would be a race in the original WoW?

I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but I consistently say words that sound similar to others, but are not what I mean. release = realize :rolleyes:
I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but I consistently say words that sound similar to others, but are not what I mean. release = realize :rolleyes:

I didn't actually notice that until you pointed it out, I read it as realize.
I've wanted Pandaren in the game since release. This is A-Mazing news IMO. The Monk class is going to be epic. The Pokemon battles adds an entire new level of awesome to the game. I'm not even joking. Blizzard was like... how can we make this incredibly addicting game MORE addicting... POKEMON!

I don't understand how you guys can seriously think this is a joke. Pandaren have been in lore for a while now. Chen Stormstout was my favorite hero in WC3:FT, I'm happy to see them finally join us in WoW.
I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but I consistently say words that sound similar to others, but are not what I mean. release = realize :rolleyes:

I did... Why I don't understand keeping up with lore... that race has been in the Warcraft Uni for a long time.
Yeah, I'm just they didn't cater to those people until after I left, hehe.
So as long as Bioware doesn't add Ewoks as a playable race in The Old Republic, I won't have to have any anthropomorphic teddy bears in my MMO.

It is a surprisingly good move for them if you think about it. The addition of a different culture into the world aside from the traditional medieval fantasy is a definite boost. It is one of the reasons I love the Guild Wars series so much -all the campaigns and expansions focused on different cultures (traditional for Prophecies, Far East for Factions, African for Nightfall). I definitely think WoW could use some of that.