
Uh why I'd think people would like a safe house to start in?

Started building there before I saw your post and after a short bit the no-build destroy zone expanded :( . As it is I cannot continue or remove the building there :( . Helpz.

Once fixed do you want me to remove it or continue?

On another note how was the dark tower built with so much obsidian? I didn't think you could make infinite lava anymore and it certainly took a lot. Regardless I don't plan to build the public building out of it. It's to difficult to remove if need be.

I guess since you started it already, it is fine...just make sure nothing crazy get's put in there like diamond tools or anything... I will reduce the no build zone...sorry, I did that right as I got home...I forgot to do it for the new map...reducing it right now...

EDIT: Looking at your work...(you have done a lot :) ) ...where are you trying to build the safe house...? You cannot build it over or on the spawn point...if you do it will crash people out...you will have to build it near it... I tried using a building as a spawn point before...made the server do some really weird things...
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I had intended it to be open above the spawn and in the middle by at least 5 by 5 with possibly a spiral staircase tower like my old tower had around it (it was far west of the dark tower on the old map at the end of the railway). Can't/don't intend to build within the pillars you've got set up already. Though it would be nice if those sand/snow tiles got replaced with cobblestone and the torches went all the way around the pillars not just on two sides, hint, hint, just my opinion though.

The main thing was the tracks. I was going to put a train station there going at least two directions if not four.
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I had intended it to be open above the spawn and in the middle by at least 5 by 5 with possibly a spiral staircase tower like my old tower had around it (it was far west of the dark tower on the old map at the end of the railway). Can't/don't intend to build within the pillars you've got set up already. Though it would be nice if those sand/snow tiles got replaced with cobblestone and the torches went all the way around the pillars not just on two sides, hint, hint, just my opinion though.

The main thing was the tracks. I was going to put a train station there going at least two directions if not four.

Removing spawn protection until tomorrow night (Saturday night at roughly midnight) :)
Yes...which is why I will NOT do it if ANYONE has a big issue with it...

Not gonna lie, I'm rather partial to that house I made.

Can you just make another map like you can on single player, I dunno.

I guess if you need to completely delete it then go ahead.
Not gonna lie, I'm rather partial to that house I made.

Can you just make another map like you can on single player, I dunno.

I guess if you need to completely delete it then go ahead.

Here are some options:
  • Download the old map from me and use it in single-player...
  • Have me "credit" you some materials...
  • Vote against the new survival server...

However, as I stated...if anyone is 100% against it...I will revert it...but one thing I must say is to give it a try...a lot of people were iffy about it at first, but after getting in and actually playing on it, they love it...
Gator and Grey for all your donations I made you a very small addition for your house check it out at the water/ladder exit :p .

P.S. If you don't like it or you have other plans just destroy it or I can do it, it's np. After all it's your stuff :) .

Xion: Is there a way we can turn off creepers exploding for guests? The very few guests we've had have shown they can trigger them. So far it's been benign but should a griever get it in his head to lead some creepers around to our buildings...
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Xion: Is there a way we can turn off creepers exploding for guests? The very few guests we've had have shown they can trigger them. So far it's been benign but should a griever get it in his head to lead some creepers around to our buildings...

I don't believe there is a way with Hey0...but I think this week I am going to move us away from Hey0, and go with a whitelisting mod...but I am unsure yet...
DLing it now!

Thanks XD

Where do I put it once I have it downloaded?

Steps (according to me) :P
  1. Start Minecraft and start a new game.
  2. Close Minecraft.
  3. Extract the folder and move it here: C:\Users\*NAME*\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves (or something similar)
  4. Rename the old_world folder to World1 or whatever number you started the new game on. (or simply merge the old_world folder with the folder of the new world)
  5. Delete the players folder within the old_world folder.
  6. And that should be it.
Steps (according to me) :P
  1. Start Minecraft and start a new game.
  2. Close Minecraft.
  3. Extract the folder and move it here: C:\Users\*NAME*\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves (or something similar)
  4. Rename the old_world folder to World1 or whatever number you started the new game on. (or simply merge the old_world folder with the folder of the new world)
  5. Delete the players folder within the old_world folder.
  6. And that should be it.

Yay! Thank you!
We just had some major server issues...some people lost some data and junk...I am completely willing to reimburse everyone for any materials they lost...please contact me with a list of that stuff you lost...

EDIT: Some areas reverted back to start...which was very bad...so we had to roll back to last nights backup...sorry...
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Was it Odale or Sarugon that said they had a house build directly into a flat cliff face and missed it? Regardless looking at that map there is what looks like a epic lagoon with several flat stone cliff faces overlooking it. It's directly south (south speaking straight down based on the map orientation) of Bassman's (Imbrucy's) house and it's got a little lava showing if you want to find it on the map. Looks like a neat location for someone to claim :) .

Edit: Ooooh wait I see structures it looks like someone did think it was epic and claimed it I wonder who :) .
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The server seems to be running okay now...some people lost some stuff (please let me know if you lost work/items)... However, frequent backups, and the new Google Map thingy is all set up and should maintain the server a little better this time... I am very tired and am going to bed... Sorry for any inconvience you have experianced...
The server seems to be running okay now...some people lost some stuff (please let me know if you lost work/items)... However, frequent backups, and the new Google Map thingy is all set up and should maintain the server a little better this time... I am very tired and am going to bed... Sorry for any inconvience you have experianced...

I lost nothing so no worries here :) .
Reading through some of the crazy errors that broke the server last time, and some of the errors that came up this morning...they are only caused by certain people... Ben, Grey, and Sarugon, at least...seem to be the only ones that are triggering these weird java errors...and I have no clue why... I might try deleting your .dat files and see if that fixes it...but don't worry, you will only lose your location, I have a way of returning your inventory to you... But for now I have to get ready for work...please report any reverting of areas of the map (not counting last nights roll back), if they happen...I am backing up the server about once every 10 hours...