Message of the spirit?

Ultima Brownsville is a subdivison in Pensacola, Fl. They had a 'revival' at a Assembly of God church for nearly 5-7 years begining around 1995. There should be plenty of information on the web about, for both positive viewpoints and negative viewpoints.

Lagalott Galations details a "Angelic Tongue" that we can use, but that is for the domain of the prayer closet not for corporate worship.

Ultima No you don't need the holy spirit to speak other tongues. BUT the gift of tongues as described in Acts is the ability to speak in human tongues without learning them.
Exactly! And now do we need the Holy Spirit any longer to give us this gift of tongues, as with tools at our hand everywhere we turn, we can easily learn to speak different languages?
Yes, but some people have a gift for learning different languages and can pick them up really quickly. If the Holy Spirit is still bestowing this gift than yes I would say we still need it.
we don't NEED any of the gifts of the holy spirit, they are a blessing and a tool for ministry.

To deny them is to deny a gift from God, do we want to do this?
Probably not...or we're blaspheming and GOIN' TO HELL!!! (What the Brownsville Idiot said)
I wouldn't mind a gift from the Holy Spirit, but remember, different gifts go to different people. I may be one of those people who are able to spread the message without the Word.
Do we? I don't recollect receiving or even desiring the prospect of having the gift of tongues, or being able to teach SCripture as well as Graham can, or that such do you mean?
The gifts of the spirit are not restricted to any one (or set) of Christian. They are available freely to all.

Paul, when describing the gifts, says that tongues is a great gift, but that he would rather everyone receive the gift of prophesy (actually a better translation is teaching)

The Bible is clear that we receive any of the gifts that we ask for. The teaching that some people get certain gifts is nonsense. We are born with a natural aptitude for certain activities, but the Gifts of the Spirit transcend these natural aptitudes and actually have no relation to them whatsoever.
I have,God gave me the gift of servace. I also think we always have our particular "aptitude" I do not think we acquire it.
of course

actually the teaching.

I am terrified of crowds, yet I can get in front of people and teach the Bible without so much as a qualm (maybe a little as I have to slow myself down sometimes) as well as a more or less innate understanding of the Scriptures (i.e. the gifts of Wisdom and Knowledge)
Wisdom. One more that was revealed was joy. I don't think that one's in the Bible, among the 15 or so. Might be ones from God that aren't listed.
Prophesy mybe? It is not as much prophesying as it is telling some 1 somthing whether they need to hear it or not and not being afraid to say it.
Yeah, like this is the end of the world. Or, nanotechnology scares me. Or, those chips they're using in crazy Britain land to see if pedophiles go around parks and schools will be used to see where Christians are, too, in the end days.
Sorry. Just the Cynicist Doomsayer. It's my calling.
These forums wear me out.

Out of curiousity, how many people actually go out and use the things discussed on here? All of us, I'm sure.

K, my little note to add.

Within all of us who are disciples of Christ (for if we've believed that Christ is risen from the dead, and confessed Him as Lord, then we are disciples...whether we act it or not), there now resides something we like to affectionately call the Holy Spirit. Yeshua said that when He'd gone, He'd send the Spirit as a comforter. It is why we're temples of the Living God, etc.

That said, it'd seem that there is very little that is impossible in our lives now. In fact, the Bible says "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."

Regarding the tongue issue, I've seen it abused, and I've seen it raised up as an idol. I've heard it said that someone is not truly a Christian if they DON'T speak in tongues. I've had people offer to pray for me because I didn't. I've had people tell me that it's a lack of desire for godliness or some hidden pride in my life that keeps me from speaking in tongues.


What strikes me is 1 Cor. 14. (in the KJV, so some of ya might need to grab a concordance or dictionary)

Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy.
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.
But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.

Of course, the passage goes on.

As my youngest son has said, "A prophet is someone who tells people God's messages."

I guess it's not a question of what gifts are real or possible or what. Maybe it is, but not to me. It's more a question of to what end do I desire these gifts? Is it for my own edification? or the edification of those around me?

If I were to ask for a gift from God, it wouldn't be to speak in some tongue that neither I nor those around me understood. That's just me tho.

I will say this, however. For a group of people to go into another congregation, disrupt the service, and do what that group did in Ultima's church, that's flat out wrong, and not of God.

Satan won that day, because rather than the offenders being removed, the congregation left.

What a sad state our churches are in.
Hi all

Wanted to make some comments ...

Ultima: Firstly , I would like to say that for people to go up and bring such a word in your church is wrong . For starters they should have brought that word first to one of the pastors in charge and he should then release it ot the body if he feels led. Obviously, in your case he would not and that would have been the end of it. And yes, Satan tries to copy what God has given through His Spirit, and these "gifts" (in whatever form) does not bring life but brings destruction and pain. Also, due to the fact that we are all humans there has been some teachings that has bee offbase such as previously mentioned :

--> that you are not saved or a Christian if you cannot speak in tongues
--> that you cannot question God . In this respect I want to say that we can (and should) test everything against the Word (and God) and against our common sense of how God works. We can definitely ask God to show us the Truth, and the knowledge of the Truth shall set us free. What we may NOT do is blaspheme against the Spirit but you really have to go out of your way to do that ...

Kidan: Regarding the Brownsville Revival. I do not live in the US so we did not experience the things to the degree that you are speaking of. I agree that telling people that they should not question the Holy Spirit is wrong, especially in the way that it seems to have been done. As I said before, we must test everything and take into account that we are all still human, though sanctified, but we are not yet glorified. We are not allowed to test the Lord (1Co 10:9 ) but that is not the same as checking stuff against the Word and by the Spirit (1Th 5:21 , 1Jo 4:1) especially the last one regarding other spirits, since as I said before, Satan tries to copy the gifts given by God. For example:
I went to a township near me and we minstered to a congregation there about the gifts of the Spirit, specifically tongues and prophecy. In this specific community they have quite a history (from their cultural background not the Church history) with the prophetic. Mostly regarding ancestral worship of spirits etc. But in their case (or the cultural case rather) prophets mostly brought bad news and curses and rarely brought good news or edification as 1 Cor 14 said prophecies should.
I do believe that emotion can be a bad thing when it comes to the Spirit because it can create the kind of situations that has brought such sadness to the body of Christ.

We do believe and I think that you will agree Kidan, that at times we can become so under the presence of the Spirit that we need to lay down/sit down to commune with Him. The Word says that we should commune with the Spirit as well ( He has been sent as our comforter ... think one of the words used in the orginal was parakletos .. meaning one who walks in front , behind and beside you (broadly speaking)).

As long as we also do not do what 1Co 11:4 warns against (being disrespectfull to God) we are fine I believe. I am in a charismatic church ( and we believe what Galatians and 1 Cor 14 says regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As the Word is God's complete and unchanging Word we believe that all the gifts are available to all who would desire them. 1 Cor 14 says that we should "Follow after love" (Hebrew Names Version) , "Follow after charity" (KJV) and that we should then desire the gifts but mostly that we should desire to be prophetic ... Love (for God) is the "key" to receive these gifts (which makes sense since if you did not love God you would not be asking for gifts to be birthed in you ) but then we through a desire for these gifts we move into them. Kidan would agree that is not necessary to have them. Jesus said that if we believe in Him we WILL be saved and that's it. The gifts are for extending our reach in ministry and (in the case of a "personal" tongue, to edify ourselves and grow in our relationship with God) . Having said that it also does not mean that that is the only way of growing of course. What we do need is the fruits of the Spirit but that is a altogether different thing.
This brings me to my final point ... The Word sayd that " and you shall know them by their fruit" Matt 7:16 .... and if someone claims to have been "slain in the Sprit, or have been laughing in the Spirit (or crying for that matter, or having just been quite and communing with the Spirit) and there is no fruit in their lives ... rocket science there....but if the fruits of an changed life starts showing , well then God as got through to the person whatever way He needed to . Rom 2:11 and Acts 10:34 ... I strongly believe that God will use whatever situations He needs to to get "hold of someone" if He has a plan with their lives. He does not want to see anyone perish ...