Memorable times in WoW

Hahaha Sounds likes something you would do. =P

I remember having a pseudo-race with Zacc to 60. I think I was 10 levels below him at some point but we managed to hit 60 within an hour of each other. We actually had 3 new 60s that day. Mavelin first, then Zacc and hour later, then me an hour after him. Fun times.

lol good times! But, I do believe I hit level 60 first. Then the both of you.
I had stayed up late the night before questing and grinding in Silithus.

One of my other favorite moments was in Kara earlier this year on a run that FJ was leading. We were at the Big Bad wolf and many of us were getting the hang of it. After one of the wipes, FJ explained, "Ok (name of person), I think you got the running around like a little girl down pretty good. Now we just gotta hear you scream like a little girl!"

Maybe it was one of those you-had-to-be-there things, but I was laughing hard here at home! :)
I was definitely there for this one as I also gave an example of how to run around and scream like a little girl. It was definitely the encouragement others needed as we ended up downing Big bad wolf on the next try. :D

Another favorite memory was that night that Tebran and a handful of other members created the MeliMuffin Fan Club guild. All creating names with a variation of Meli in their name.
Having been on a few BBW attempts, most unsuccessful, I can LOL at screaming like a little girl. =)

Wasn't the Melli fan guild created during a Redeemed chapter meeting? I seem to recall a bunch of those alts getting /ginvites while Icthus was trying to conduct guild business. Just like Redeemed... =)

I remember a duel with Cobethan (I think?) in Nagrand. He was in full on Pally mode, doing damage as he's able, and healing up every time he'd get to 20-30% health.

I was DOTting, tossing the occasional nuke, and keeping Life Tap and Siphon Life up to keep health going. I was easily doing damage, but he'd been able to last through my fears with bubbles or heals, so that I couldn't finish him off.

What he apparently didn't realize was that, as I was Affliction specced, my phase shifted Imp was just a mana battery, and I was 'Dark Pact'ing mana back like crazy, so my blue bar was pretty much always between 30-60%.

About 4 minutes into the duel, he stopped and stood still long enough to type out "How do you still have mana?!??!?"

I LOLed. The duel lasted over 5 minutes, as I recall, and was the most fun I ever had duelling in WOW..
Warlocks ftw, but I was not there.

One of my favorite times was when Miriallia and Klangdon were in STV killing goblins for a quest, and we found ourselves stuck. As we fought them they would respawn, sometimes on top of one of us.

Somehow this went on for a good 5 to 10 minutes and we got out. And of course with our mad skills combined WE ARE CAPTAIN PLAN... er... no one died.
Wasn't there.

However, I remember when Wall and I were both healing spec'd and we dueled for 20 minutes before calling it off. I almost got him by Mind Controling him off a cliff but he shifted to flight form while falling....
Was'nt there

<Knowingly breaks the rules.>

Reminds me of the time I threw miri off the bridge at the back door of Karazhan... or the time I threw Sandric off Telredor after he taunted me to do it, saying he would live... he died.

Could this be a pattern?
I have two favorites.

The best was when goblit was helping me out getting the chestpiece in Ubrs and she was so tired she kept falling asleep. She ended up falling asleep with num lock on and died. We were all like "where'd goblit go." Found out she ran off a ledge into some lava.

My other was when we downed MC, Ony, ZG, Attumen, Moroes, Maiden, Opera, and Curator for the first time ever as a guild. Miss those days.

P.S. Zacc hit 60 first :-( We were close though Meli. I still got 70 first
LoL, nothing funnier then watching the backside of a little pink haired, pony tailed gnome warlock disappear in the distance as she gets wonderlust. I often wonder what goes through her mind:

"I'm free of the big hand that controls me! Yipee! I wonder whats over this hill that I was told not to climb?"

I recall like it were yesterday, spending every day in UBRS and Scholo trying to get the last two pieces of the devout set. Finally I got the shoulders from UBRS and then I was running Scholo twice a day. One day I logged on to find the guild waiting for me with a group to run scholo. That run, the devout crown finally dropped. Dance of joy!!!
Wasn't there for for that drop but sounds fun, but have seen a little pink haired gnome wonder off in strange directions in Kara and Gruels as Mordos yelled at her worried she would pull....

and Tebran throwing a shield at Moroes in Kara as Reco was still explaining the fight to some nubs and Reco said "who pulled, who did that" and no one said anything except Champoflight pst me and said "Tebran threw his shield and I told him he was in BIG trouble" and Tebran just said "why?"
I think my most memorable time in WoW was when we were in MC and someone named their pet FJ and when we all saw the capture *Main Tank FJ has died* and started to panic...then we all started laughing since FJ was still alive and was like...wait a sec IM ALIVE!! hehe it was something funny to remember one of my first times in MC, with some great friends
dont remember that one but sounds cool. one major memory i can think of was the time i went in UBRS as a 5man for teh ony atunement quest and i dies when teh boss was at 2% or 3% health left, i also remember walking out of there wearing the blue spell damage head piece and using it during teh ony fight.