Memorable times in WoW

Some of my favourite memories are of fishing with my friends Young, Alhana, Icthus, Proeliator, Landron....and the fishing Pvp nights in the Barrens that I dragged everyone too hehe.
Sadly I was not a part of any Hogger Raid yet. =( *sigh*

I remember our first downing of Rag and afterwards we were organizing a group screenie. It's around the forums somewhere but I had drank some Winterfall Firewater and it hadn't worn off yet so I was the tallest in the picture since Meli is a Night Elf. =P
I'm not sure if I was there for our first downing of Rag, it seems like such a long time ago.

One of my most memorable moments was shortly after becoming Bible Study leader and leading a Bible study in SW where we all took a group shot with everyone sitting on or near the desk. I recently saw a screenshot of it floating around.
false I wasnt around at the time:( I have been around for quite a few other ones hehe, I remember samj grabbing the extra corehound and we were all pretty impressed we survived that:P I missed the original FJ pull but I was there for plenty of goblit pulls, setting her imp for gehenas was it and pulling hehe. Who could ever forget all the "shisper goblit for ____":) I think of the most memorable for me though was the night we finally downed domo, so many weeks of hitting our head against the wall and that one night I think we got through with only 1 or 2 deaths? That was with help and the very next week we did it with no outside help and still did it with only 1 or 2 or maybe even no deaths, it was crazy. Hard work and keeping at it paid off and it seemed so easy once we had done it once.
False, I wasn't there for that.

I have lots of memorable moments. One that that stands out among those is our two five man attempts through UBRS. I had such a blast those nights.
I don't think I was at that UBRS but I remember you guys talking about it.

One memorable time was when me and Bowser and some pick up players managed a server first and did the 45 minute baron run (even though we didn't have the quest). None of us really had any raid gear mostly in blues and we finished with like 10 seconds left.
I was not there, but I heard about it.

One memorable time that sticks out in my mind was when a bunch of us turned 40 the first time, put together enough money for all our mounts (big thanks to contributors to the fund) and we then had a level 40 mount race from Stormwind city to Ironforge. And then when we got to IF, we duel outside of IF and in Kahronas for sometime. I think I beat Melko on Bannard that day, or came close.
I wasn't with Redeemed yet then, but I was on the first UBRS 5-man run. Very fun.

I also remember the first Illhoof kill by Redeemed. As I recall, that was an epic night of raiding, as it followed a Gruul raid.
I have screenies of this even..I'll try to post some tonight if I can remember.

I was not there, but I heard about it.

One memorable time that sticks out in my mind was when a bunch of us turned 40 the first time, put together enough money for all our mounts (big thanks to contributors to the fund) and we then had a level 40 mount race from Stormwind city to Ironforge. And then when we got to IF, we duel outside of IF and in Kahronas for sometime. I think I beat Melko on Bannard that day, or came close.
Auto Following Goblit over mountains...

I still enjoy my memories of watching Goblit almost pulling me into Ungurro Crater the hard way from Tarnaris. I was able to hit my Esc key before I took the free fall down to the crater, we were trying to go to ZF, think It only took her an hour to recover her body to get where we were originally headed...she blamed chocolate so I cant beat her up too much..heheheh...but I wouldnt have it any other way....or the time she got her Epic mount and kept running into
I remember when Goblit got her epic mount. Another of my memorable moments was the race to 60 between me & Icthus. He won by one day.
Wasn't there.

Another fun one I just thought of...I was doing some quest or something w/ Avesther in SMV and was following him to grab a flight point out or something. I followed him to the Aldor base. I iz scryer.
Hahaha Sounds likes something you would do. =P

I remember having a pseudo-race with Zacc to 60. I think I was 10 levels below him at some point but we managed to hit 60 within an hour of each other. We actually had 3 new 60s that day. Mavelin first, then Zacc and hour later, then me an hour after him. Fun times.
i was probaly in redeemed that time but taht sounded cool.

i think my foundest memory was my first kara run with redeemed on brug . i had so much fun that night alone that i felt i had found the right guild for me at last. by teh way , i was top healing that night before i left which was anothr big achievement to me personaly.
I think i still have screen shots od it, but I was with timert way back when and we were in swap of sorrows, and he keep pulling orc after orc and I healed him for like over fight minutes, at one point he had like 5 orcs on him, and I was just casting away.

Finally he was Like DUDE I LOVE YOU! your crazy good.I had to post it and screen shot it. because it was like 15 minutes later. When he spamed me with it.