1st.) I like to say AVESTHER/Gob1337 comin to the West Coast Eh? If I would have known this earlier, I could have given you free tickets to Disneyland for your family seeing as I work there, also I work at Knotts and havn't used my 6 tickets yet...so if my boss lets me I can hook you guys up with tickets. Go to the lost bar in Downtown Disney near the hotels and I might be working there! (At the remote control boats that is, not bar lol).
2nd.) I'm also taking a break, to much guild drama, and that is one of the reasons I came to this guild was to get away from other guild drama...I'm just not interested in drama in RL or ING. I havn't been on much anyway but I probably will be rarely on now...I'll proly show up when <b>EVERYTHING</b> blows over.
3rd.) If I am probably will have <b><DND></b> so just please listen to tag, I might occasionaly say something if I'm on, but other then that, I need a break....and I would like a list of who joined Sanctification, I got saddened when some of my guildies that I talked to the most weren't on anymore. If it is inappropriate like Deamiter said, can you just PM it to me, I would really clarify for me, who left, who is staying.
4th.) As for the whole TE MC runs, I consider Avesther a great leader, you too FJ, if Avesther can lead TE runs that's great, more power to yah, but it seems like the whole ordeal of Avesther/Goblit and 1/2 TE leaving is now just who will get lootz and who wants them. I'm sure some left because other reasons, but now this TE MC run is becoming a greater issue and needs to cool down also. Avesther is a great leader, and I think personally should if he wishes continue to lead raids, but im not an officer...
Edit: Good thing I didn't put the whole thing in HTML like I was, or I really would have screwed myself over LOL.