MC, Team Eternity, and your Questions

Deamiter, thanks for clearing that up. I admit that I did feel alot of animosity or axe grinding in your posts. After you pointed out, that this was not so and just a result of forums not showing emotions properly, I see clearer.

I love you Fred and am sorry I misunderstood.
Please my brothers and sisters in Christ, please do not let our treasured times be torn apart from petty things. When all is said and done, Redeemed or Sanctified, we are all and I mean all children of the Most High.

Either side of the coin here I love you all. People I have argued with, please forgive me and know that I love you. People that have sided as I, I love you and want what is best for everyone in this.

We are playing a video game. Political Factions, split loyalty has brought the pure intentions that this guild was founded on to it's knees. I want more than anything for us all to continue to have fun and love one another. You are all some of the best people I have ever met in my life! Please work with each other and smooth the harsh sentiments that are here.

In light of all this, tonight....Onyxia falls as usual. Please join me...Redeemed...Sanctification....I want you all to feel welcomed. 5:30ST I will be waiting to invite. I hope to see you all there.

I knew people would be hurt. I discussed this in one of my threads in the staff forums, that I knew no matter what I choose, people would be hurt. I was never blinded by delusions of grandure (sp?) or that things would go smoothly. I lived through a split in Redeemed and I was very hurt, alot of people were very hurt. People who left and people who stayed were all hurt.

So Mirakle\Ewoksrule, I'd like to welcome you to our club. A lot of people belong to it, the only membership requirement you have to meet is to have been hurt by somebody you love. I think we can all say we belong to this club.

I can understand your immense anger, I stood in those shoes. Oh trust me when I say, I am fully versed in what is involved in wearing those shoes. When it comes to some people, I still wear them. And I know that as long as I stand in them, I can never be reconciled to those people. And it is so hard to step away from them. I have not let go of some past hurts.

Well, you are right. I do not attend a church. My early years were spent in a Lutheran Church, my formative years in an Anglican church. I think I've stepped foot into every denomiation that holds to the Apostles Creed in my lifetime. And I've stepped into a few that don't.

I do have people in my life that I can go to when I am need of a wake up call, and I go to them often. What ever a church can bring me, I've attempted to make up for in other ways. I do pray and I do believe with my whole being that Christ is my Lord and Savior that he died upon a cross to bear my sins because I am not worthy, totally incapable of being reconciled to the Father on my own. I've been in far too many churches where this is the only message I received. There some ministers that I've met and have wonderful and challanging messages. Sadly, they are in Winnipeg, a city a full 13 hour drive away from me. Thankfully, they air their ministry on TV and I watch them, I learn, and I challange myself. What of fellowship with people, I dont' get that watching a TV show...but I do with my friends here.

Probably to the suprise of many, I do forgive you. I have given that hurt over Jesus so that I can forgive you.
I guess I don't have much to gain from Ony besides a good time with my friends. So of course I'll be there with my FR pots, ready to own that little whelpling!
Avesther, thanks brother. I really appreciate it. You are truly loved and I look forward to grouping in Heaven with you.
We may have the opportunity to group before then...Goblit and I are taking a week vacation and plan on doing so in Disneyland and taking in a few sights of the coast.
Woah!! Well you must spend some time in San Francisco area while you make that trip. If you do I will take off work one day (my job is real flexible) and tour you guys around where ever you want. Plus we could get the west coast playas' to meet for breakfest or lunch one time!
1st.) I like to say AVESTHER/Gob1337 comin to the West Coast Eh? If I would have known this earlier, I could have given you free tickets to Disneyland for your family seeing as I work there, also I work at Knotts and havn't used my 6 tickets if my boss lets me I can hook you guys up with tickets. Go to the lost bar in Downtown Disney near the hotels and I might be working there! (At the remote control boats that is, not bar lol).

2nd.) I'm also taking a break, to much guild drama, and that is one of the reasons I came to this guild was to get away from other guild drama...I'm just not interested in drama in RL or ING. I havn't been on much anyway but I probably will be rarely on now...I'll proly show up when <b>EVERYTHING</b> blows over.

3rd.) If I am probably will have <b><DND></b> so just please listen to tag, I might occasionaly say something if I'm on, but other then that, I need a break....and I would like a list of who joined Sanctification, I got saddened when some of my guildies that I talked to the most weren't on anymore. If it is inappropriate like Deamiter said, can you just PM it to me, I would really clarify for me, who left, who is staying.

4th.) As for the whole TE MC runs, I consider Avesther a great leader, you too FJ, if Avesther can lead TE runs that's great, more power to yah, but it seems like the whole ordeal of Avesther/Goblit and 1/2 TE leaving is now just who will get lootz and who wants them. I'm sure some left because other reasons, but now this TE MC run is becoming a greater issue and needs to cool down also. Avesther is a great leader, and I think personally should if he wishes continue to lead raids, but im not an officer...

Edit: Good thing I didn't put the whole thing in HTML like I was, or I really would have screwed myself over LOL.
called "Safari Adventure" doesn't really say the name anywhere, just remote control boats, right next to the "Lost Bar."

Edit: I change my mind on the break from WoW, I'm lookin at it on my desktop and so tempting lol, so I'll just pvp'ing with music on from now on if I'm on or most likely lvl'ing my mage.

Also is "Redeemed"s vent Sanctifications now, I heard that rumor, but not totally sure, and if so, are FRIENDS (because we should all remain this way) allowed in other vents?

Edit once again: I just tried to log on, and my account expired, so GG till about Friday, or parents are nice and buy me a new one, till then I am off lol. Back to good ol' GW/CS/DoD
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It was redeemed unofficial vent because it was owned by aves and goblit, but everyone is welcome still of course:)
So now it's Sanctification?

So does Redeemed and Sanctification share a vent now?

Or does Redeemed not have a vent, and I think Deamiter said a website is coming up, when it does LINKY!
Another great way to communicate between the two guilds is the in-game chat channel teameternity.
type /join teameternity

Try to keep the channel free from spam. Use it to say Hi to our friends and to plan groups and raids. Please do not use it to spam your "ding!!" and "Hord3 sux!!"

This is the best way right now to hear details/invites for upcoming raids, at least until a more permanent solution is created for sign-ups.

<Redeemed> does have a very cool Team Speak server. Its brand new with a fast connection. It is an excellent way to meet other ToJ members from other games. here is a link to the info on it. Linky