Linux v. Windows v. Mac v. whatever

After reading this if all linux users were cult like followers of Linux and defended it like that I will never be convinced of switching. heiscomingsoon I really appreciate your posts. I am not computer as computer savy as I would like but I know more than the average person and when things are explained in layman's terms it helps to show people the different problems. I know your smart vibro but it seems you intentionally try and make sure only a another tech understands what you are talking about. Maybe if you explained better in laymans terms you will get better results.
I dont think it is we dont want to hear but your attitude on how you present it. Like we are inferior to you or something. Just explain things without making a windows user feel stupid and dumb for even owning a computer with windows. If you gonna rip apart someone before even explaining why and how something works better. Try just explaining and not ripping apart the people you are trying to teach. Pros and cons work well. All I have ever heard from you were how aweful windows was and how dumb I am for having any MS software.
I never said anyone was dumb for owning windows, I was meerly stating the psychological reason for why people use windows.
Hey, I'm no layman! :p okay well maybe

windows is boring because dos doesnt do half as much as my linux install.

Okay, so now windows is bad because it's "boring"? And who uses dos anymore anyhow?
Unix is faster than DOS because whenever I try to use DOS I am constantly typing "ls" instead of "dir" and it wastes my time and energy.
Vista looks too good to be true. Instead of buying it, I think I'll wait for a ripped version from my uncle :p

Should run really nice on my third girlfriend (my laptop).
I'm duel booting xp64 and vista beta 2, if I could get vista to work for my soundblaster card I would run it more often, but with no sound it's sort of annoying. Plus with AMD 4000+ processor, 250 gig hd, 2gig memory, and 2 geforce 7900gt in sli I still only score a 3 out of 5 on proformance for vista. Not sure what they want to get a 4 or 5.... Big Blue?????

edit: vista is beta 2 and gcards are 7900 gt's not 7600 gt's
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I have a friend who's dad is a contracter, he gets tons of free m$ liscenses :p

besides I would never run windows because programming for it is a pain. I am writing a wireless script for use around campus (you know 8+ wireless networks at once), so far I am about a third done, with windows It would take close to a month, and would probably crash over and over again :p
fine then I will post my code, liscensed under GPLv2
###Config Section###
#CONFIG=./conf  ###Not implemented yet

function get_wifi {
###Builds wireless database###

##setup tempfile##
if ! nettmp=$(mktemp -tq); then
echo "Temporary file creation failed"; echo "Please make sure that you have mktemp"; exit 1

###Build Wireless Info###
if ! iwlist $IW_INT scan > $nettmp; then
echo Please make sure $IW_INT is up; rm $nettmp; exit 1

###build wireless database###
i=0; x=1; count=$(cat $nettmp | grep -e ESSID | wc -l | awk '{print $1}')
while [ "$i" -lt "$count" ]; do
  ESSID_LS[$i]=$(cat $nettmp | grep -e ESSID | sed -e 's/ .*.ESSID://' | sed -n "$x,$x P")
  QUALY_LS[$i]=$(cat $nettmp | grep -e Quality | sed -e 's/  Signal.*.dBm//' -e 's/ .*.Quality=//' -e 's/\/94//' | sed -n "$x,$x P")
  ACCES_LS[$i]=$(cat $nettmp | grep -e Address | sed -e 's/ *.Cell.*.Address: //' | sed -n "$x,$x P")
  let "i = $i + 1"; let "x = $x + 1"; done

###Remove temp file###
if ! rm $nettmp ; then
echo "Temporary file deletion failed!"; echo Please run 'rm $nettmp'; exit 1

function list_networks {
###Lists networks, useful :P###
echo -n "Detected "; echo -n $count; echo -n " Wireless Networks"; echo
echo; echo -ne "Quality"'\t'"Address"'\t''\t''\t'"ESSID"; echo
i=0; while [ "$i" -lt "$count" ]; do
echo -n ${QUALY_LS[$i]}; echo -ne '\t'; echo -n ${ACCES_LS[$i]}; echo -ne '\t'; echo -n ${ESSID_LS[$i]}; echo
let "i = $i + 1"; done;

function get_status {
###Checks to see if iwconfig has not-associated for the interface, a good indication of no connection :P###
if [ $(iwconfig $IW_INT | grep -e Point | sed 's/ .*.Access Point: //') = Not-Associated ]; then
STATIW=0; else STATIW=1; fi

echo -n "Wireless is"; if [ $STATIW = 1 ]; then echo " up"; else echo " down"; fi

function sort_wifi {
for (( last = $((count + 1)); last > 1; last-- ))
        for ((i = 0; i < ((last-2)); i++))
                echo -n ${QUALY_LS[$i]} ${QUALY_LS[$((i+1))]}
                if [ "${QUALY_LS[$i]}" -le "${QUALY_LS[$((i+1))]}" ]; then
                        echo " switch"
                        swap $i #$((i+1))
                else echo

function swap {
                        TempE=${ESSID_LS[$i]}; TempQ=${QUALY_LS[$i]}; TempA=${ACCES_LS[$i]}
                        ESSID_LS[$i]=${ESSID_LS[$((i+1))]}; QUALY_LS[$1]=${QUALY_LS[$((i+1))]}; ACCES_LS[$1]=${ACCES_LS[$((i+1))]}
                        ESSID_LS[$((i+1))]=$TempE; QUALY_LS[$((i+1))]=$TempQ; ACCES_LS[$((i+1))]=$TempA

case "$1" in



exit 0

that is about 2 days worth of programming in my spare time, nothing fancy just a bash script
so... 1 problem. Weee.
[pun]the problem with windows is by the time you count all the bugs, you have developed another bug[/pun]

windows waists my time, ill put it that way

then there was this really interesting problem with xp where it did not start up any of the networking layer and explorer crashed when you tried to access the network connections. not even worth the time to fix, just reinstalled.

the architecture is horrible when you actually look into it. The more you use and install programs, the larger and slower the registry grows, which leads to some serious slows down. And due to this carrying certain applications between computers is nearly impossible. In general I dont believe half the stuff is documented to transfere settings between (windows) computers.
I wasn't going to post here because i'm clueless about most OS.
I was in school using cobol as a programming languge, and did nothing with it.doh.
(yes I know...i'm old)

this next statement will prove that I'm clueless...

Windows works well for what I do, I'm familiar with it, it's user friendly, and does what I need. I never have problems with it. Until all of that changes, guess what?

I still haven't heard anything about why Linux is better or not, except that it won't do alot of what I need it seems. So why is it better? or not?

I'm certainly not a Bill Gates fan, but I don't like McDonald's either, I still go there. (ease and convenience...the American way)
I wasn't going to post here because i'm clueless about most OS.
I was in school using cobol as a programming languge, and did nothing with it.doh.
(yes I know...i'm old)

this next statement will prove that I'm clueless...

Windows works well for what I do, I'm familiar with it, it's user friendly, and does what I need. I never have problems with it. Until all of that changes, guess what?

I still haven't heard anything about why Linux is better or not, except that it won't do alot of what I need it seems. So why is it better? or not?

I'm certainly not a Bill Gates fan, but I don't like McDonald's either, I still go there. (ease and convenience...the American way)

Sorry to disagree with you Ash, but your post is nowhere near clueless. You just stated why the majority of computer users, PC & MAC, will not switch to Linux.

1. It's unfamiliar.

2. You're already comfortable with your O/S

3. Windows & Mac's OS is user friends, Linux is not.

4. Your OS fulfills your needs! 'nuff said

5. Problems. Sure, there are problems, but that's going to be the case in ANY o/s. Especially one that you're not familiar with and whose technical requirements are far beyond those of mainline users, namely Linux.

6. THERE'S NO REASON TO CHANGE, the most important reason of all. There's simply no reason for a regular user to endure the headaches of learning, installing and running Linux.