Kerry concedes

On the Sean Hannity radio show today, Hannity said that Bush received more popular vote in this election than any other president ever.

Laura Ingram said on her radio program today that it is the Values Voters that won the election because the two big issues that killed Kerry's chances were abortion and gay marriage.

I guess there's hope for our country after all.
What flavor would you like with your depression pills
Yeah, I guess I'll take 4 more years of lost jobs. 4 more years of the defecit growing. 4 more years of losing our allies around the world. 4 more years of neglelecting health care for the poor.

Sounds good to me.
if you want a gov't health care program go to canada, i am sure they will tell you they would rather not have it.

as far as lost jobs, funny even in the mid-west in my college town there is an over abundence of jobs for everyone.

Excuse this country for voting for morals instead of money. wonder which one Jesus would of chosen. Stop being so focused on your money Que and focus in a little bit more on what you CLAIM to believe in.
Got a little carried away with the economy there. Iraq isn't my most favorite thing in the world either, but I guess I have to accept it now. I'm also a little fed up with people playing the religion card when cite a reason for breaking for Bush.