Kara team 3 sunday nights(adding wednesday later)

Huh...who...what am I getting dragged into me? :)


From Matt's guide he posted:

4 - Moving the Maiden

Once Repentance is cast, the Main Tank can run the Maiden over to one or more of the healers, freeing them from the effect of Repentance. This requires the Main Tank to move quickly and get the Maiden back to the middle of the room even more quickly.

They have me do this in Crusade on our Maiden fights. It works well. You can drag her to any healer. We specify which one I drag her to and where he is gonna stand, I watch my mod that tells me when repentance is being cast (or the leader reminds me when I miss it:)) and I drag her over to the designated healer, and then immediately back to the middle. Healer is woke up and heals me, we rinse and repeat until we win:)

I am sure it doesn't hurt much Connor:)
ah cool, do you wait for it to be cast or you start moving when the mod says repentance coming soon?

also, I was thinking about using intervene for it, but if you start moving before she casts it, would not have to use intervene
It seems like the moving trick would work best if everyone stands just inside the pillars, at the base of her platform - then the tank only has to move about 2 yards in any direction. Chain lightnings will hit more people, but you'll have less tank death due to healers being frozen from repentance.

Having everyone close also takes out problems with LoS from the decurser, and one person can decurse everyone from that range...no healing problems, etc.
Healers can watch her timers and step in just before repentance-- so they stay awake.. Eliminates moving her.
I've never had luck with that - there seems to be a window of about 10-15 seconds where she "can" and "will" hit the repentance. There is a certain amount of randomness to it, which makes it just enough that I suck and lose track and what she's doing :)
For team 3 members, not sure what im gona do about this because I love this group, but it just occured to me that I cant make Sunday nights anymore. It conflicts with a new court order made this past week about my son's visitation and there really is nothing I can do about it. what a disaster. I get home at 8:45 server..

i guess rhys will have to pull out his tanking gear again, well you wanted to tank madien so there ya go =) Il even pay your respec fee until somthing else is worked out
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We use the circle strat where everyone fans out and picks a pillar to stand by.

I go in and put her in the middle and the rest of the group moves inside their pillars and almost up to Maiden's platform.

I move her once repentance starts because I have found that once the 'repentance cooldown' timer is over, it can be variable on when repentance actually starts.

When repentance pops up, I just run through her straight to the pillar behind where the healer is standing, and then I back up through her and pull her to the middle again, all in one motion, with no stopping.

When I run to the pillar behind the healer, it has always gotten her into range to wake the healer up. You may not even have to go all the way to the pillar, this is just what has been working for me, so I haven't changed it:)
we downed madien on the 2nd try with help from that tip, it worked a lot better than me burning every cool down/potion or anything else I would think of to keep myself alive during repentance and bitting the dust anyways. I got killed on a 4 hit lucky sequence getting into position the first try, whole fight lasted 5 seconds, some of this had to do with trying to position me and the healing in the correct position. Anyways as always thanks for the tip.
yea that was insane last night, heck romeo and curator down on 1st attempt ever? miracle is more like it. also, i have more block than you *wink*
Went as far as Curator tonight on first push. Took a little longer to get to Curator because of first encounter with Red Riding Hood.

Thoughts on Curator for future. DPS is key - we need to get Curator down below 20% before he finishes his second evocation. Leaving the pets on Curator through the fight meant we almost made it and the pets did not require continual heals from sending them at the flares. Keeping the flare encounters to two sets will also help us with mana as the third set burns us down way too far. Having a warlock as the soaker also worked well on this encounter as he could also dot up Curator while soaking.
Attempted Shade of Aran last night. Got a late start, having had trouble pulling together a group. Everyone needs to study this encounter better. I think we had the group for it but our strategy was off. Good fun though.

Succeeded at Chess, although Vig didn't make it and so we had to shard the resto druid drop.
It really just depends on your group, and a fair amount of luck. We've had attempts on Shade where we get elementals, blizzard, and flame wreath really close together (not so good) and attempts where they're all spaced out (really good)

We downed Shade last night after 2 or 3 attempts. Our general plan was to interrupt only the arcane missles, kill the elementals - start at the door and work clockwise, and we left the decision whether to deal with elementals or sheep first based on what his mana was as we approached 50% life.

You guys can get shade down, it just takes a little luck on your side.