Kara team 3 sunday nights(adding wednesday later)

Rhys I have a question for your raid, are you making it guild only, guild first, or whoever. I think its a fair statute to set out forehand (:
another question - in the first post in the thread, you list the opening day for your run as the 19th, but in GroupCalender, you have it listed at the 26th. Just curious as to which is correct?
I guess Rhys has a previous engagement to attend that he forgot about. Atleast I think that's the reason. If there is enough interest I can lead a small excursion into kara just to get a feel for it. But I think Rhys would rather wait til he is there.
Out of not thinking I will not be able to make the run on the 19th I have family in town that night , and since we dont have a second healer steping up I am goingot move the run til the 26th.

just to repost,

ifwant to tone, and we have enoughh healers go for it, but I like to be there for the first run, but heck enough healers I have no problem you guys going.
The Kara run lastnight revieled some issues with Shuranda's gear. She doesn't feel she is prepared enough for Kara at this time. So we are going to bow out for now and work on getting some better gear. Hopefully, Eric will be able to step in as OT and you can find another healer.
Wend was running great with the primal mooncloth set...will Shuranda be able to put that together before Kara...if not, how can I help? Netherweave? cooldowns? Also..don't forget that gear can be resocketed (yes at a loss of the gem) if you need to tweak your stamina.
One thing to keep in mind, like Anita said, you can change your gems, enchants, swap pieces of gear here & there... eating stam food (don't forget that you can get 30 stam food instead of 20 stam, as well)

When we first started, I got one-shotted on a regular basis. That will happen less and less with each piece of gear that you replace. Don't let Tuesday's run get ya down.
Oh wow, I just read this thread and saw a sunday night kara group. This will work better for me during cop school.. Unfortunatly, sunday/friday are my only free days to work my part time gig, so there's no way I could commit to 90%.. I'll toss my hat in the ring anyhow and see what happens :)

Ok I just looked at my schedule through September.. I'll know October's sunday schedule once the first of sept hits.

I can make the 29th, the 2nd, and the 23rd. After sept starts Wednesdays will be a no go other than occasional school breaks due to class. Would you like me to sign up or do you require someone more active?
well here is how I am doing it, I am taking names and then going over wtih tone about who is what and slowly we are gettign a group. Which one is kara ready
I have Kagnus that can run as a secondary healer. His healing gear is not strong enough to run as a main healer yet, but most of the upgrades he would need are in Karazhan :)

I also have Malcolm who just hit 70, but still needs to get keyed. That probably won't happen before this Sunday, though.
Thanks for offering that Connor. I'd like to see 2 more healers for sure. If we can keep a shadow priest and a feral druid in the group it should lessen the healing strain on everyone. Hopefully Shuranda and Kirk will be ready soon too. *wink, wink* *nudge, nudge*
Not sure if the shadow priest you are referring to is Malcolm, but just FYI Mal is Disc/Holy, spec'd to heal :)
ok the list for people expressed intrestred right now are

For tanks



Brynnia (Healer)


mogrin (hunter/warlock/ mage)
Galuk (hunter)
gilidararar (Dps warrior)
So we need more subs.

we will finalize the group by thursday please check here for it.
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My rogue and/or fury warrior might be able to go sunday nights as well as other nights that im not in group 1 or 2. Both are geared for it and I have experience all the way up to prince.

It's possible that Renee might be able to go from time to time too.
Be advised, within the next two weeks or so I will also have a lock ready.. He's 66 and I plan on cranking through and hitting 70, after that my first goal will be kara key followed by gearing.