John's My Singing Monsters Forum

There's one game that inspires me to make content on platforms like Rumble (a conservative alternative to YouTube promoting Free Speech and Christian and American Values. That doesn't mean we enable NSFW garbage with it either cause that means using Free Speech as an excuse)
My Singing Monsters is an award-winning mobile game made in September 2012 it allows one to collect and breed monsters on different islands where each island has its song. The more monsters you collect the more the song will be contributed to. Each monster plays differently depending on their design either they will sing, or play an instrument. For years it has gained a community full of talented creators, composers, and artists. I was once a part of it but I'm not a part of the MSM community anymore. Instead, I make MSM content on my terms as an independent creator. I thought of making my Forum for it here if any of you have seen and tried the game before and wanna share what you think of My Singing Monsters.
I first played the game when Tribal Island was released. I saw the fanmade content for it and how it gained more attention when Composer Island was released in the game in 2016, content then for the game was being created with many updates left and right. I then made content for the game on YouTube, but in 2023, I left YouTube and decided to start my Rumble channel where I made my own My Singing Monsters content on my own accord, away from the community, as an independent creator. I started my own fanmade MSM project called "The Realms of Amenra", a Christian My Singing Monsters project. Here are two of my monsters for the first elemental class for my first Christian project involving My Singing Monsters, The Realms of Amenra. These two are Mr. Sylarphune and Mrs Luminia from the Spirituals Class.
View attachment 2325View attachment 2326 Here are two of my monsters for the first elemental class for my first Christian project involving My Singing Monsters, The Realms of Amenra. These two are Mr. Sylarphune and Mrs Luminia from the Spirituals Class.
CD.clipsyne.png<---- This monster is "Clipsyne" Eclypso. Sylar and Luminia are the first married couple I created in the Realms of Amenra project when it first began They also have a child of their own which is a part of the project. The monster is Clipsyne, his real name being Eclypso, the double element of Solar and Lunar, which explains why he looks like a solar eclipse because his parents are a Sun and a Moon (that being Luminia and Sylar)
I've been thinking about my project and decided to write a blog post reviewing it. If you wanna check it out, Click HERE <--- Blog Post. I also shared an announcement on it too, that'll be a long version. Short Version here: I wasn't happy with the project right now and it could've been done better so I'm redoing it and unlisting everything on my rumble involving it so I can start the MSM project all over.
I'm changing the name to "The Land of Promise" cause it would have a much better grasp on the world I'm creating and how it'll affect things. I will also add some things, such as monsters based on holidays. In the Original My Singing Monsters, they were called the "Seasonals" but here they'll be the same idea but a different name as their equivalent called "The Celebrationals" a class of monsters based on seasons and holidays from the real world, such as Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, New Years, etc.

1. Spirituals (Naturals)
Elements: Cloud, Holy, Solar, Lunar, Clay (I have chosen these elements for the Spirituals because each of them has some connection to God either through him or others who believe in him)

2. Galaxereals (Ethereals)
Elements: Asteroid, Galaxy, Space, Starlight, Darkmatter

3. Celebrationals (Seasonals) The first celebrations I'm working on right now.
Easter/Euangelion of the Savior (Holy Haven) [March 4th to April 29th] Easter in Christian Traditions discusses Jesus' Ressurection After Three Days.

Summer/Sunshine Party (Clay Desert) [May 28th to August 11th] This Celebrates the Summertime Season.

Christmas/Holy Winter Festival (Cloud Kingdom) [December 2nd to December 29th] Christmas in Christian Traditions discusses Jesus' Birth in Bethlehem.

Valentine's Day/Partnership Gathering (Lunar Land) [February 9th to March 1st] This Celebrates a Gathering in Partnership between a Couple.

Halloween/Ghoulfest (Solar Jungle) [September 30th to November 1st] I enjoy Halloween but I don't condone the actions of demonic or witchcraft being portrayed in it, I only focus on the funnies, giggles, and the costumes and candy thing.

Genesis/Rejoicing of Creation (Galaxereal Island) Being a Christian-themed project, I wanted to create a Celebrational celebrating the birth of the Universe from God's Hands from the days of Genesis. That might sound ludicrous but you get what I'm talking about.

Birthday/Aniversary Festival (Emerald Island/Gold Island of the Spirituals) Like the Original My Singing Monsters Seasonal "Anniversary Month" when the game came out in September of 2012, This will celebrate the anniversary of the series/project.

4. Teckinum AKA Sciencials (Magicals) In the Original My Singing Monsters, they had a class of four monsters called the Magicals and I wanted to make an equivalent where it is the opposite of Magic, so I chose Science and called this Equivalent of the Magicals "The Teckinum" You know about Leonardo Da Vinci who was a Catholic (not those bad ones) who discovered that Science was a thing that God himself has created. An example comes from the Noah's Ark story where God tells Noah how to build the Ark.
Elements: Science, Machinery, Gravity, Time

This is all I got for planning, let me know what your thoughts are on this.