I just made an account to say that yes, I think Minecraft has had covert dark occult symbolism of demons and malevolent gods since 2020. It was mostly introduced in that summer with the Nether Update and in 2022 with The Wild Update. The Nether Update changed what already existed to introduce bartering piglins, representing the Biblical possessing demon Legion, & lilin; and it introduced netherite, which has symbology including Saturn & adamant, the material that medieval & renaissance scholars thought bounds demons in hell. 2022 introduced the warden monster & sculk blocks, representing Moloch or Ba'al, the Canaanite chief deity and god of child sacrifice; and it also introduced the underground ancient cities representing tophet, or the ritual site of Moloch / child sacrifice to Ba'al. I was about to type a whole new essay about it, but I saved what I had typed out for tomorrow or the day after, since it's pretty late for me and I would probably ramble on.
This infograph has most of the information about it, though (the file is too large to attach it to the message directly). There will be a video about it in the future. There was also a lesser amount of symbolism added in 2021, which involved the the order of introducing things (goats & mountains) & moving them, and numerology, which I didn't cover in the infograph.
"I believe something is truly evil about it. My daughter started playing it when she was about 5 years old. She told me after a few days that the devil was in her head..."
I'm sorry to hear that your daughter went through that. I've only experienced apparent demonic activity during periods of participating in D&D campaigns myself, but as an adult. For a child to deal with that breaks my heart.
Despite the information above, I do have some suggestions for parents that still want their children to be able to play Minecraft, and players who don't want to give it up. There are older versions without any noticeable dark occult symbolism, I believe (anything pre-1.16). I'd recommend versions 1.12.2 for modding ability, overall gameplay, and quality of life, followed by beta 1.7.3 (b1.7.3) for its simplicity and ease of play, or 1.7.10 for a happy medium with a lack of frivolous additions. Though, 1.15.2 works fine for playing something as close to modern MC as possible without any noticeable covert demonic symbols. Many players don't purchase the game, by cracking it and playing on a cracked server if they want to do multiplayer. (Although for legal reasons I don't condone doing this, the creator of Minecraft supported doing so before it was bought by Microsoft, and it's very easy to do with a cracked launcher.

) As a third tip for disappointed gamers, there are plenty of other voxel games that seem just as good. Vintage Story is a popular one. There's also Minetest, which is a free and open source version of Minecraft that was/has been created alongside Minecraft since it was still all the way back in development. It's more barebones than Minecraft, designed to be modded to the user's preference, and it's possibly the easiest game to mod as a result. I originally started using mods to take the symbolism out of standard Minecraft when I first noticed the symbolism, but there's so much of it now that it's easier to just play an older version; which are arguably better versions to begin with; or a different game.
"So just a few minitues ago, I watched a video on tiktok about a guy that said that Minecraft is a satanic and evil game because of the final boss fight aka the ender dragon and they used some scripture about when satan was casted into the bottomless pit for a thousand years and that it correlates to the ender dragon in Minecraft and I also read on a website that it promotes p0rn, s3x tr@ffi€ing, satanism, and other evil things."
I think the symbolism suggested by the TikToker you watched is just coincidental. Dragons and outer space are pretty common fantasy tropes, and their addition in the initial release of the game seems solely inspired by such works of fantasy. As for a relation to "p0rn" & "tr@ffi€ing," every videogame has p0rn mods on the darkest reaches of the internet, and predators can operate anywhere without adult supervision. I think Roblox, and Discord, are generally much more dangerous in that regard, since you're either able to easily travel between worlds/servers, meet more people on them, and/or message people privately on them (I don't play Roblox, so I don't know if you can message privately or not there).