We all are physically born sinners. No if ands or buts.As a christain who follows Jesus Christ aka christains we do have things that we have to do and when Jesus was asked for more info on this subject he said LOVE and yep LOVE some more..You can't change a heart with hate or anger or anything that associates itself to Hate(= a hardened heart).But Love now that can change a heart,heal the sick,and best of all fix our sins so we can join our family who does just that and sure nuff Love is the key to it all...Love is a simple concept that children(in Gods eyes) can relate to..Now why follow something that hurts aka the world and its ways...Sure christains do argue fuss and stuff like that,but with love things get worked out in such away that a message is learned.Now as a christain one must focus on Christ for he has fulfilled his duty to save us and it was out of love he died and rose again and it was out of love he was sent... So with the love shown, respect, honor and gratuity is what a christain will share.This world is not ours to change, its HIS image who we look to change! Remember narrow is the path to life and wide is the path to destruction.Hey who put stones on this path?I keep stumbling over them I guess I will take a moment to remove them so the next brother or sister that comes by will miss m!! Woot Love ya All