Is it wrong to Hate my...

Is it wrong to Hate my... - Homosexual Father?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Well the christian thing to say would be hate the sin not the man, but I'm not christian either (maybe its a BC thing
) .
And personally I don't think being gay is wrong. So I say yes it is wrong.
You shouldnt hate a person for what they are. If you hate the fact he is homosexual then i think thats something you need to work through.

Its not easy to answer this to a non christian as the basis of belief and opinion is a million miles away. But it sounds like you have a lot of issues with your dad that you should aim to resolve.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]But it sounds like you have a lot of issues with your dad that you should aim to resolve.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I haven't seen him for almost 5 years, never spoken to him since that time, last time I wrote an e-mail to him was 3 months ago, and he never replied back......

That covers your point, Rizz. And btw, its been 6 months now, no reply to my dad...yet...

I don't nessecary hate my dad, I just dislike him that hes not a supportive father. Unlike people that do have caring fathers.

The point that he's gay, is the point about me, being a Christian. Some people agree/disagree about hating gays in a religious topic, so its hard to say when I become a Christian, should I or shouldn't I hate my gay father?

Since I'm not a Christian, I dont have to decide. Except hes unsupportive.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]but I'm not christian either (maybe its a BC thing  ) .

I hope your not, MechMykl, cause when I joined ToJ, I had to be a Christian.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Moved to advice forum.

Before, I thought an admin deleted my post, then I saw it at the praise advice, which I didn't want it to be there.
Then after, a unsettled but peachy warning came to me about my poll topic, heh.

I see everyone is, territorial now-a-days...

And is lame now, that only 2 people made a vote when theirs over 1,000 people. (half christian) which I assume, their afraid to vote/answer back.

Makes me want to swear to the people that only post the popular ones.
No corp not territorial but I did take the time to post rules for a reason. The prayer/praise area needs to be a place only for that and nothing else. I will also take a minute to fuss at any other person who uses that area without being respectful to the sanctity of prayer. To me regardless of belief this is one area I will not budge on. Tis why the polite and private warning. I also told you how I feel about this topic in private so I have no reason to vote publically.
Corp, I apologize that I have not responded. I honestly felt that the Godly men here could council you best. Then when reading through the post, I was not disappointed that they have given you excellent advice, as I knew they would.
I believe that Biblical principles can be followed for those who want to be moral. The book of Proverbs is an example. In addition, the commandments, one with a promise that your days may be long, would hold true for the non-Christian.

Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) Epheisans 6:2

To harbor hate and bitterness is only hurting yourself. Yes, it is easy to honor parents or husband and obey much more easily when they are good to us. Nevertheless, it is always right to do right, regardless of what someone else is doing. I once heard a teacher say that the things we hate in others is what we tend to do or become. That has been a great motive for me to have unconditional love for others. You do not have an easy road. I would hope you would do your best to forgive your dad and honestly seek a friendship with him if possible. It sounds like you have tried and that is all you can do, or that could possibly be expected of you. Just guard your heart and know that oftentimes, although we may not understand it, or feel it true at the time, things happen for the best.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Nope not MechMychel its Ghandi. The guy u pwn on the custom server.:)

Ghandi was my only teammate as CT in Climb, I cant pwn Ghandi when thats my teammate!

Heh, you were there...

Nice *cough* funny/rude *cough* friends you got, mechboy.

The only reason you 2 ladies posted here cause I was threating enough to make you upset/disappointed! It make anyone upset/disappointed when I'm in a fury of hate and anger!

I wouldnt be surprised something wrong came up from *cough* the councils *cough* by now.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]well. WWJD? he wouldn't hate him. he would talk to him about it.

Funny how any christian could of said that here...I wonder why only SilentAssassin said it?

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do?
"A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. " Ecclesiastes 3:8

I thought this was pertinent, but I would say that loving your father is superior, always. Hatred is not inherently evil, it is why you hate.

I believe this is something you and God will have to figure out on your own, friend. I'll pray He be with you through this all.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Funny how any christian could of said that here
theres a million things i could have said if you were a christian, cheesy catchphrases aside... Yet i said what i did cos u are not.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I believe this is something you and God will have to figure out on your own



[b said:
Quote[/b] ]theres a million things i could have said if you were a christian, cheesy catchphrases aside... Yet i said what i did cos u are not.

I get it now, Its a if...then... situation.

If I was a Christian, then people would make 'cheesy catchphrases'.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Right, had he said that to you, I would have been very surprised if you hadn't retorted to him.

Dissing back at Rizz?

Remember, inappropiate language = kicked/banned, Vanaze, so thats my point for not
Corpfox bro, i've known you a long time but i've never really known you. I've had some serious family turbulance myself and the only advice i can give you is don't burn bridges, you'll regret burning them later.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Corpfox bro, i've known you a long time but i've never really known you. I've had some serious family turbulance myself and the only advice i can give you is don't burn bridges, you'll regret burning them later.

Unless my memory serves right, if you were in a previous clan to where I was and/or were play StarCraft back in the 90's, then yes, you have known me for a long time. Otherwise, if not, how long is a long time for you, Pabmeister?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]reallly. i think about it. some people have the wrong idea with jesus...


The only wrong idea I know with Jesus, is the Love...Loving Jesus, he's a guy! A guy loving a guy, YUCK! A girl loving a guy...still confusing when you put Jesus in there.

Rizz gave me 3 examples to The Loving of Jesus, [edited] and the 3 words...does not make sense, what do they mean?

agape - the spirtual
eros - for pyhsical
philo - the mental

Funny, I could of emailed that to Rizz before he sent it to me. X_X
Hate the sin, love the sinner.

[QUOTE-Corpfox]The only wrong idea I know with Jesus, is the Love...Loving Jesus, he's a guy! A guy loving a guy, YUCK! A girl loving a guy...still confusing when you put Jesus in there.[/QUOTE]

When you love Jesus, you don't 'love' Him like you would your spouse. You love Him like you would your father or mother...I love my dad and he's a guy and I'm a guy, but that isn't yuck.
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I don't know you, and I doubt I ever will, but I can sympathize. Please give me a fair hearing; you have to make your decisions, obviously.

My dad has done some very awful stuff; my siblings and I were physically and emotionally abused as kids, as was my mom. That said, I still love my father. I only hear from him every two or three years, usually when he wants something. If I hate him, I hurt me. And there were good times in the past, like when he taught me to light firecrackers as a kid and took me hiking down Tallulah Gorge. Some of the things my dad has done or I suspect he has done (based on pretty good circumstantial evidence) makes me sick to my stomach. But I still love him, though sometimes that takes an act of will.

I don't know if you are a Christian or not (the thread has been hard to follow), but the Bible says to honor your father and mother, as has already been mentioned; there's no "love them unless..." Jesus taught us to love our enemies; how much more must we love our parents? And Jesus offered forgiveness to anyone who was willing to repent and turn from their sins. And the Bible is pretty clear that homosexuality is a sin.

Obviously your father's homosexuality affects your relationship and how you interact with him and any partners in his life. But he's still your dad; even if you never see him, don't give hate a foothold in your heart.
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