Hi all! My name is Stephen and I am joining y'all from Austin, TX along with my wife, who chose the username of 'Ruark.' I believe that she already submitted a post to this thread, though I don't yet see it.
We have both been gaming for a long while, a lot of that time doing so together. We actually met each other while playing World of Warcraft, though at the time we weren't looking for love in a digital world

We have known each other for 5+ years, been together for almost 4 years, and have been married for 2 years now, are very active in and out of our church, love our Lord and Savior Jesus and strive to submit everything that we do, including gaming, to him. Whether we eat, or drink, or whatever we do, we do it for the glory of the Lord (1 Corinthians 10:31, personalized for us).
We actually gave up our interest in gaming due to the communities that we gamed in being mostly very irreverent, providing no real platform for any meaning or purpose in our gaming lives, until recently when we had an itch to explore the possibility of combining gaming with a lifestyle of salvation for God's glory. The existence of this gaming community is really what brought us back; the idea of shining light into such a darkness as we have experienced in the gaming world is really refreshing and awesome, and we look forward to being of use to others, both fellow believers as well as unbelievers, that we encounter in our games via this gamer coalition
We will be playing Guild Wars 2, character names yet to be decided as our copies won't arrive from Newegg until some time next week.