New to the website
Hi everyone,
Having just registered, I figure I'll introduce myself. I found this website as the result of looking for Christian gamers who play on Xbox Live. However I did discover this is also the website for the SoE Guild Wars guild. I briefly attended their Canthan New Year festival this year on Guild Wars
First and foremost, I've been a Born Again Christian since May 1997. Prior to that, I was disgruntled and blamed God for problems in my life. I had this twisted view that if people were "good" then God would reward them. It took several years of patient friends who stuck with me through the thick and thin to convince me of my erroneous views of life

Little by little I began to really listen to what they were saying. At one point I believed I was a Christian because I thought it all had to do with the 10 Commandments. Then on that fateful day in May, a friend asked me if I was going to heaven. I said, "I think so." My friend's reply was, "A Christian always knows and is ready to state the reason for this belief." It was that night that I began reading the book of Matthew. By the time I finished reading it, I asked Jesus into my heart. I then knew most definitely I was going to heaven
On the personal side, my real name is Ed. I am older. I just turned 39 a couple weeks ago. I live in the Washington State and have lived there for a little over 20 years. Yes I love the scenery, changing seasons, the rain and the trees

I work for the Department of Defense and can't say much more about that >.< Aside from Xbox, I do like to read. I have become a huge fan of Ted Dekker in the past couple years. I've read nearly all his books. In fact, I've read the
Circle series (Black, Red, & White) twice and also listened to the audio books. I am currently reading Green. Although I've haven't practiced much lately, I do enjoy ASL (American Sign Language). Board gaming is still fun. House projects are a hobby as well.
I began playing the Xbox in 2008 and went on Xbox Live in 2009. Now backup about 10 years and that's when I sold my original Playstation and swore off video games. I guess my interest in playing video games began with Defender in the 80s. In 2008, a friend showed me CoD: Modern Warfare and that's when the interest returned

I am quite amazed at the advancement of the video game industry in the last 25 years

I view myself as a casual Xbox gamer.
As mentioned earlier, I do play Guild Wars. However I have not played regularly since the spring of 2008. For one I was growing bored with the game after playing it from the start in 2005. Plus I became very busy since that summer with one thing or another. I guess I'm waiting for GW2.
My Xbox GT is: Naa Fiysh (pronounced "nawfish"). It's been awhile since I've been to a Christian forum so I do hope I can post regularly. Looking forward to getting to know everyone better.
Thanks for your time,
Naafisyh aka Ed