If you could change something about WoW what would it be?

Why would you need all that stuff? I can just guard your house for you while you are away XP Sheesh sounds like you are trying to keep out some pesky intruder or something. Don't worry Flame I got your back.

Im pretty sure Flame would use every single one of them on you Engris. He is demented like that.
Im pretty sure Flame would use every single one of them on you Engris. He is demented like that.

Lol I knew what he was aiming at there...just carrying the joke further...

I agree with Good though, there should be some more casual raids and then some hardcore raids...only problem then would be that the hardcore players would complain that the casuals are getting their gear way too easy...I guess the casual raids could have a lesser tier of gear?
Lol I knew what he was aiming at there...just carrying the joke further...

I agree with Good though, there should be some more casual raids and then some hardcore raids...only problem then would be that the hardcore players would complain that the casuals are getting their gear way too easy...I guess the casual raids could have a lesser tier of gear?

those are called normals.
Why would you need all that stuff? I can just guard your house for you while you are away XP Sheesh sounds like you are trying to keep out some pesky intruder or something. Don't worry Flame I got your back.

"Threat detected. Initializing destruction sequence..."
Well, the biggest problem Blizz has had since conception is class balance. Here we are four years later with glowing issues, yet nothing changes. Fact is they have catered to the Horde (fwiw I have two Horde toons on another server), and cater to certain classes. Look at RET, they nerf us last patch on healing stating we don't need as much, which now gives warriors better healing per second than pallies, and greater dps.
Joe, do you need me to speak to your wife? I call it a man stash.

Moose stash?

I have a couple of items for the wish list:
Server-wide battles
Warriors are always the best tanks/Priests the best healers
Classes that are multi-faceted are jacks of all trades but not masters of any (ex pallies no longer the best tanks and so forth) I know taht some are going to argue about this, i just mean role specific classes are the best in that role...
I also would vote for some ways of gearing up that make the hard modes harder and some easier modes for those who are not hard core/end game...
anyway, just a few thoughts
What about Guild Housing as well as personal housing? Asheron's Call did this well way back in the day (and is still running over 10 years later). And maybe, for a month, try removing the factions and making the PVP servers PVP for everyone. In other words I kill you if you're horde or alliance or even same guild. It would be a free for all and epic battles would ensue. PVP is meant to be frustratingly harder for people to level. It makes the game more challenging.
What about Guild Housing as well as personal housing? Asheron's Call did this well way back in the day (and is still running over 10 years later). And maybe, for a month, try removing the factions and making the PVP servers PVP for everyone. In other words I kill you if you're horde or alliance or even same guild. It would be a free for all and epic battles would ensue. PVP is meant to be frustratingly harder for people to level. It makes the game more challenging.

Hmm I see the potential for that idea but if it were that open it would be so ridiculously chaotic half the players would quit for that month...people complain enough about getting ganked while questing in Tol Barad (they got pvped in a pvp zone =/ )