I finally broke down and did it.

yeah! me too! its kind of ridiculous tho.
No, it's fun! There are guildees I talk to all the time on IM, usually while I'm at lunch. Just can't plug in to TS here...


I don't see WHY my bosses don't want me sitting within site of the reception area with a headset on, talking to people the clients can't see...
No, it's fun! There are guildees I talk to all the time on IM, usually while I'm at lunch. Just can't plug in to TS here...


I don't see WHY my bosses don't want me sitting within site of the reception area with a headset on, talking to people the clients can't see...

Well.....you could try just wearing a headset around the office....get people used to seeing you like that.
well my office consists of a small room with a bunkbed two dreesers a bookself and about 5 feet of walking space....
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Um, I already do that with my iPod... :o

ipod takes presedence! i'd like to get one of those neffty headsets that plug into you're ipod and phone, and cut over to the phone when a call comes in, and back to music when it's over.

BTW, what's a bunkbear?