I finally broke down and did it.

NO! NEVER! I WILL NEVER GET A MYSPACE! NEVER!!!!!! i am regarded as weirdo at HS and i say "if choosing not to waste hours upon hours of my life on some ridiculous page that is only trying to replace e-mail is weird, then i will stay that way" so never! never a myspace! though i have nothing against the people who have one, some are kinda cool but they take way too much time to make it look really good.
Myspace is just a wannabe personal website.
And it doesn't do a very good job of being all that personal.

I don't have Myspace, I have an abandoned lj, and a Facebook that I didn't want but needed to actually communicate with a couple of my friends.
I broke down and did it this summer and still regret it

[Insert Generic Cliche Name Here]
(if i use a nickname there will be one group of people who understand and the rest won't have a clue, so I changed it to this from The Royal Wiseman, which only '06-'07 OHS trumpet players would get...)
this is it (as you can probably tell just by looking at it it hasn't been updated in months)
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Ah. So THAT is who sent me the random friend request... I almost blocked you! LOL

And you wouldn't be the first person from CGAlliance that I blocked because their profile didn't tell me who they were!
Ah. So THAT is who sent me the random friend request... I almost blocked you! LOL

And you wouldn't be the first person from CGAlliance that I blocked because their profile didn't tell me who they were!

I don't block people who send friend requests (well besides the fact that people rarely send requests), if they prove to be troublesome it is fairly easy to remove em.
You're not female.

I get all sorts of creepy people wanting to be my friend, as well as creepy groups wanting me to join.

At some point, I had entered my zip code. (I didn't realize it would be public, I guess.) This resulting in a scary message from a thirty-something guy telling me he lived in my town, too... (Of course the zip is gone, now.)

So just about everyone I don't know gets blocked.
blech half of my friends use it and most of them I can only talk to through email so I want a myspace or something now but I'm not allowed xD