hey i live!

hmm i thought you were one of the many people (like your wife 0.-) who had me on ingore for a long time cause my spam was SO amazing people couldnt stand it!
ouch.. haha
thankfully no one can take my wonderful title!
actually i keep it still right? i mean it was given to me by tree and since tree owns 3/4th of the guild :p hmmm (he payed for it fyi)
haha i dont know.. i think fox and me are both gonna start up... but fox has a problem were it won't let him log onto his account itself and the email is something we both have noo idea what the email on the account is... none of his or mine so o well

im thinkin ill wait for like a month when school starts to get settled in and make sure i have time to spare
Yep my account is gone :( i emailed blizzard and they told me to call them during because of security reasons that they couldn't reset things through email. Hopefully I will get my account back.

BTW First post in a long time :D It's good to see everyone still active! Hope everything is going well for redeemed. Maybe I'll be back soon?? Hopefully blizzard will pull through for me.
Btw i have my schedule for my new school! i might be going to ewu for most of my classes like i was hoping and now i hope more because if i don't my schedule will kill me!

so my schedule is

spanish 1
pre calc honors
ap physics
ap us history
ap english
and ceramics!

and thats for the whole year haha
i dont know im scared about taking physics honestly. Its the only science class that the school offers that i haven't taken... i have earth science, biology and chemistry under my belt. Apparently the us history teacher is insane and gives papers everyday so i guess its a good learning experience?
What I remember of my physics class was it seemed more like math class with all the formulas we got tested on heh
Math = X + 2(Y) = Z(X + Y)
Physics = How much G force does your body endure going around a 130 diameter curve at 280MPH in a Lambo!!!!!

Physics = Math applied, which means Physics > Math any and every day!!!!