hate against mac

um is there a way i can find out what video i card have without askin my dad hes studying for finals atm aka his hebrew final is in like 2 days so hes kinda cranky

Find it on the internetz?


Since Mac owners are so 1337, I thought you would have found the interweb by now.
um i have finals next week and i had a 10 minute speech 10 page paper, and 100 slide powerpoint for one class final that i have to present to the class... i spent 7 hours on just the powerpoint alone last night my brain is fried
Did you know that you put in 20% of the effort for 80% of the results. I think getting 80% for a lot less work is a good trade off :)
I think someone is bluffing.. this someone used to play a dwarf hunter!

NAMED <odalelogsoff>!
Let me know the Model number of your Mac or the service tag number on it. I can probably look it up that way. If not there should be something like system properties that you can look at, that lists your CPU, amount of RAM, and video card.
Indeed. In the Apple menu, first item is "About this Mac...". In the window that puts up, click the lower button (should say "More info..." or similar, not sure of exact words--on mine it's the French "Plus d'infos") and it will launch System Information, which will tell you about all your hardware.
ATI Radeon X1600:

Chipset Model: ATY,RadeonX1600
Type: Display
Bus: PCIe
PCIe Lane Width: x16
VRAM (Total): 128 MB
Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
Device ID: 0x71c5
Revision ID: 0x0000
ROM Revision: 113-xxxxxx-139
EFI Driver Version: 01.00.139
Display Type: LCD
Resolution: 1440 x 900
Depth: 32-bit Color
Built-In: Yes
Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Quartz Extreme: Supported
Display Connector:
Status: No display connected

is that what your looking for?