hate against mac


Active Member
ok so i know ppl hate against macs and all but i was wondering is there anyway to get around other then parallels and bootcamp? or r they the only ways? *other then buying a new computer*
If you have one of the new Intel Macs, you can use Apples Boot Camp. This will let you install Windows on another partition on the hard drive. You select which operating system to use when you start your computer.
Lol, no. The newer Macs have Intel Processors in them now, so they can run windows xp or vista, the same as a regular PC.
uhhhh i have had mine for a couple years but i do know i can get boot camp.. trying to convince my dad to get htat new mac that just came out

but i can run wow on my mac just fine i just wanted to know for WAR
Warhammer will be taking advantage of DX10 as well as the aegis physics card, so while you will be able to play on a Mac via bootcamp, it won't be nearly the experience you will get on a PC with Vista, unless you drop 5k+ on a mac-pro tower and trick it out for gaming.
Direct X 10 is only available on Vista. The Ageia physics card is not required and in my opinion, not worth putting in any system. The screens that I have seen with and without the card are barely noticeable.
What kind of video card is in your Mac? What processor is in it? Here is some info on boot camp: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1656 The only way to get boot camp now, is to upgrade your OS to Leopard.

P.S. Explain to your Dad that the operating system upgrade is much cheaper then a new Mac.
i'm pretty sure there is DX 10 fer XP too..

Pretty sure thats a negative.

except for some crazy slop n chop hacked version that wont be reliable.

This is the only selling point for Vista in my opinion. Gamers that want DX10 support.
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So you already have boot camp, if you have leopard installed. Now all you need is a copy of windows xp 2nd edition, or Vista. Did you figure out what video card you have in your Mac?