The change is natural..actually the earth is cooling right now not warming(read the documents i have linked my blog). The climate changes regularly over time jsut as God intended.
Yes, lets not forget logic:

The earth requires a greenhouse effect, otherwise the mean temperature of this globe would be 30'C colder then it is now.

Greenhouse gases make up a very small part of the atmosphere.
  • Nitrogen - 78%
  • Oxygen - 21%
  • Argon - 0.9%
  • CO2, Methane, Helium and other gases - Less then 1%

Of the contributing factors to the greenhouse effect:
  • 95% - Water vapor
  • 3% - CO2
  • 2% - other heavy gases

CO2, whether emitted by man or a natural source, is the same molecule.


When I suggested not forgetting about logic I was not suggesting that Co2 was better/worse than other gases in the atmosphere.

I was suggesting that more people living in an area correlates to an increased number of cars being operated which would lead to more pollution/smog/poorer air quality which would lead to a more stringent standard for emissions. Air quality is directly related to "being God-like".

Gods_Peon said:
I'm just thinking out loud here: In Calgary, the poor don't drive, have a overall smaller eco-footprint then anybody else, yet when the go to the grocery story, they find their dollars don't go as far so that people can drive their biofueled cars, and they don't have as much anyway after paying their energy bills at home because those have skyrocketed to fund green energy, so that Odale can breathe his clean air, even though CO2 is not a pollutant....

GP your'e a funny guy, and that's an entertaining story. However, biodiesel can come from more than just food we grow. Algae can be harvested for its fat that can be processed into biodiesel. Because people don't eat algae and because algae can be grown anywhere that has light, water and a temperate climate, it is doubtful that prices for food items will rise and it is also doubtful that farmers will have to choose whether to herd cattle or herd algae. Also since algae can be grown, the supply will always equal the demand, thus keeping prices reasonable.

Popular Mechanics article on Algae Biodiesel.
CNet Article on Algae Biodiesel. Article on Biodiesel.

Green energy isn't expensive, either. Nuclear energy is green, as is solar and wind. These technologies have been around for years! I believe the US government needs to get with the program and start building new nuclear energy plants.

You may be thinking "Odale, clearly you have forgotten about Chernobyl and the 3 Mile Island accident!"...

Chernobyl ended up being a terrible disaster because the plant was built with hardly any safety precautions. Its reactor core was not enclosed by any type of containment vessel. So when a small incident happened, workers were helpless against it and the small incident grew into a bigger, uncontrollable one.

3 Mile Island occurred in 1979 and: said: did not produce the worst-case consequences that reactor experts had long feared. In a worst-case accident, the melting of nuclear fuel would lead to a breach of the walls of the containment building and release massive quantities of radiation to the environment. But this did not occur as a result of the three Mile Island accident.
The amount of radiation people experienced from 3 Mile Island was the same as getting 3 chest x-rays.

Source for 3 Mile Island:
Source for Chernobyl:

Not to forget, if you can utilize solar energy or wind energy at your house, you decrease your energy usage and I believe theres a tax credit for doing so.

Again, nice story GP. I don't think its very realistic, but its nice. :)

Numbers do not always equal pollution, I live in a fairly rural valley and our particulate in the air is equal to LA county. And we have 50,000 people living here.

Why is this? Mountains and cloud form a pocket that doesn't move air out of the valley as quickly as other places.

Not all of California is situated in a valley.

California is a coastal state. All of its big cities are on the coast. Coasts are windier than most other locations because of the air temp differences over land and open water.

Therefore, one could draw a conclusion that California's smog would be worse if it were an inland state and without a coast.
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Therefore, one could draw a conclusion that California's smog would be worse if it were an inland state and without a coast.

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect. :)
Truly, you have a dizzying intellect. :)



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Lakes full of algae to make fuel.......I've smelt lakes full of algae....they smell like ew. All other life in the lake dies because the algae takes all the oxygen out of the water. I think they need to find a way to make fuel from roses or something that people like the smell of
GP your'e a funny guy, and that's an entertaining story. However, biodiesel can come from more than just food we grow. Algae can be harvested for its fat that can be processed into biodiesel. Because people don't eat algae and because algae can be grown anywhere that has light, water and a temperate climate, it is doubtful that prices for food items will rise and it is also doubtful that farmers will have to choose whether to herd cattle or herd algae. Also since algae can be grown, the supply will always equal the demand, thus keeping prices reasonable.

Actually, according to a recent story in the National Post (I know, I read Canadian news papers), the recent food shortage crises is largely blamed on what was once food crop fields being turned into bio fuel oil crops. You see, in order to grow the oil seeds, you will either need to deforest more of the planet to do so, or turn acres and acres of food production fields into oil seed fields. According to Greenpeace, both have happened at an unpredicted rate. They also have calculated that 3 billion acres of amazon rainforest has been destroyed to make way for oil seed crops, 26 billion acres in Malaysia and 40 billion acres of rain forest have been razed for bio fuel crops.

May story may be a bit crazy but not far from reality. It is a story about how we don't know if in the attempt to reverse this problem (assuming there is one) we will actually make things worse. This goes back further to my argument, we don't enough to do anything. Is it better to continue on the same path we are on? Yes without doubt. At least this path contains the devil we know. No real science has been worked to determine anything on this subject. And now, through Copenhagen, we are going to make policy that is going to make things worse in unimaginable and unintended ways.

And when that happens, the AGWers are going to say it was because we waited too long. And they are wrong about that too.