Global warming is caused when people worry about global warming and give off tiny heat seeking cells which join to the sun and make it hotter! :eek:
True story.
Whether or not there is global warming and what caused it are two different questions. I think data does support overall warming of global temps during the last century (just as the earth as warmed and cooled throughout its history) or so but that in no way means humans are causing it. The extent to which it is happening is surely exaggerated as are the forecasts made by some of our climate "experts". Sure, we've been polluting during this latest cycle of warming but any statistician will tell you correllation does not imply causation. It would be one thing if the earth was going beyond the upper (or lower) temperature extremes during its long history but its not, it's well within the middle of those extremes. Of course, this latest global warming bout doesn't seem to be happening in my neck of the woods. We just emerged from the 3rd coldest summer (Jun-Aug) ever recorded and haven't been within 10 degrees F of the "normal" high the entire month of Oct. Kudos to Bethel U. (St. Paul, my alma mater, woot!:)) for bringing this speaker to campus. It's good to hear the other side of the debate get some face time with respected academics for once. What I would like to know is who decided what the optimal temperature for the earth is supposed to be and how did they reach that conclusion?
any statistician will tell you correllation does not imply causation.

I'm tired of hearing about correlational and causational stuff... I get enough of that from Research methods in my Psych class. lol

Proving that humans caused global warming is a daunting if not impossible task. Since technology is constantly advancing, will it be pertinent to know 50 years from now (no doubt it would take at least that long to fully know) if we indeed caused global warming when our technology will have mitigated its effects?

There is no doubt that emissions from cars is harmful, long exposure to petroleum products (oil) can lead to an increased risk to certain cancers and other problems and other negative things. I believe that it is the right thing to be ecologically/economically courteous whether or not we cause climate change (aka 'Global Warming').
I believe that it is the right thing to be ecologically/economically courteous whether or not we cause climate change (aka 'Global Warming').

This has nothing to do with being courteous, however. This has to do with communism and redistributing our wealth under the guise of global warming (a lie).
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I fail to see this correlates (ugh that word again...) with communism.

I was just saying that whether or not we made global warming happen or even whether or not its true, its best to be more respectful of the environment which we have been given.
its best to be more respectful of the environment which we have been given.

Yes, God's first command to Adam & Eve "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it." What a gift this creation is!
No, I will try to though. (It may help me understand it lol.)

but just from face value I don't see the relationship between them.
Copenhagen is not about climate change, it is about setting up a world government with the powers and authority over legislation of sovereign nations that do not abide by the standards set out by it. It is an unelected government body whose almost exclusive goal is to transfer wealth from first world nations to third world nations.
I dunno.

What he had to say seemed more like a worst case scenario rather than being based on concrete evidence (I realize he was an advisor to Margaret Thatcher).

I want to know what the Copenhagen treaty says myself.

I am not sold.
Haha thanks HCS, but that doesn't tell me what the treaty says.

I'd like to read it for myself. :D
Thanks Aves.

<Wonders about the about of bias b/c of the web address of that link...>

Anyway, I will read this just as soon as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is over.

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