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No, but I enjoy smashing random objects in creative ways, like a few years ago, pre-marriage, when I took my roommate's coffee table and shot-putted it about forty feet in our apartment complex's parking lot. It landed on a corner, literally sat there for like 3/4 of a second, then each leg and the trim fell off simultaneously. It looked like something out of a Warner Brothers cartoon.

And about spinach: I want to know just how far we can go, legally, to find the source of the biological weapon E. coli. Can we torture spinach into telling us where the source of the bacteria is? Is it OK to torture if we are certain that he knows the whereabouts of Osama bin Lettuce? Is spinach covered under common article 3 of the Geneva Conventions? Our military needs to know, so we don't have another Abu Rhubarb incident.

Next poster got the jokes, just didn't think they were funny.
ehh, how about no

np likes fany window effects like menus that fade in and out, stuff like shadows under every window and onto other windows, and transparent window effects.
Oh ya but only if they are hardware accelerated, I'm impatient and hate anything that slows my computer down.

np likes the new Battlestar Galactica series on the SciFi channel
I hate where it is going, I want to fall asleep, zZzZzZz

yes it is hardware accelerated, in linux atleast :P

next person hates that they cancelled stargate sg1
na, Ghost in the Shell is my favorite repeat, Trigun comes close tho..

np hates dragon ball z because it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and....
The verbage: maybe. The idea: not really, cause I agree. Video games based on anime generally suck. Same with superhero games. The anime itself, on the other hand, also like the suberheroes, is cool. :)

Next person played Superman 64 (for the Nintendo 64).

*shudders at the terrible memories...*
no, I never liked anything for the '64 'cept for super smash bros

np likes watching computers struggle with programs, expecially when it't not yours.
this person doesn't even know what that person was talkign about!!!!

next person thinks that rocketslime for the ds is awesome!!!